Valiant warriors rest among celestial ivory-silver streaks, a land tainted with insolent pride yet sated with boundless honor, as with those who reside there, a roleplaying guild for Lupes but other Neopets can join as well. Fear us, Respect us, Join us!

*A cluster of dark forms emerge from the shadows, their eyes gleaming savagely in the night like dying embers. A fiery form steps forward, silvery moon light illuminating his features as he confronts you. He raises his fire-touched head, cobalt eyes glaring icily at your own, daring you to challenge his silent authority. "You have entered the lands of ~{MoonLyte}~...should you choose to befriend us, you have gained a powerful ally. Should you choose to betray be it." The Lupe turns with his pack and they melt away into the shadows, leaving no trace of their recent presence...*

Hello and welcome to the ~{MoonLyte}~, I'm afarid there isn't much here at the moment but I am working on this as much as possibele! Have fun l@@king around! ;)

Please neomail me with your opinion of how you like the new layout (Even non-guild members!), or suggestions on what to put here or on any of the pages. Thanks for support!


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