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Even though your so very far from me look up into the heavens
Let's watch the stars twinkle with the happiness only a love
Like ours can produce here in the stars you and I are one
We see the same thing as we are in the same space there is
No distance The full moon lights our way our hearts find
One another here this is the one place we can be join as one now
Where our love flows pure and true from one heart to another
Entwining and merging becoming one spiritual being
I am you and you are me the way it was meant to be from the
Begining of time before the bodies were formed the souls knew
One another and had vow an everlasting love that would never
Be broken or forgotten a love so strong that carrys a whisper
In the breeze from our two souls ..."I am you and you are me"
It called softly to me for many years ...beckening me to join you
I search and search but was so lost I thought it was not meant
For me .. I thought the winds were mischivious and playing games
My heart knew and never gave up reaching out to the calls of love
Until one day I found you or you found me...we found each other
I heard the words escape your lips as you open your arms to me
Now as the momory of your sweet words echo in my thoughts
"I am you and you are me"..Love fills my heart with joy
I can only smile and thank the heavens and the stars above
That we have found each other and this love that defies all
Soft moans escape my lips as I remember and drift back...
Back to the moment you and I finally became one complete soul
After fighting the painful and lonely past we have both lived
We have found our way to one another where we find our home
Even while we were apart we knew where we truly belonged
No other could fill that special place we have in our hearts
These two hearts knew they were joined for all eternity by love
They were blessed to know true love ..a love that nothing
Nor anyone could ever dismiss, destroy,ignore or come between it
The touch ...the caress...the kiss..New, but yet familiar to us
As our souls joined one another I heard you whisper softly to me
"I am you and you are me", Our love filled us with intense delight
The tremble of the body .. the lust of the soul reaching such ecstasy
No two other lovers could ever experience this wild storm of love
So completely one.. so alive and full of blissful joy and contentment
When our eyes meet we see the souls that burn with fire and great desire
A love burning with a passion that never cools just burns higher
Tongues entwined and searching for the relief of that raging heat
Bodies that touch, feel and join in a full and complete surrender
Souls that cry out with the sweet release of love from the heavens
Wrapped in arms that hold and caress taking us high above the clouds
Floating above the heavens ..releasing lust filled fireworks that explode
And shower the world with a dusting of pure and forever lasting love
The union that could only be our destiny and blessed by the angels
This my love is who we are, who we have always been ...two as one
For my darling love .. "I am you and you are me" ..Forever

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"Page Last Updated August 14,2011"