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Poems....By Me!!!

This poem is dedicated to the women (sorry this is for the saved ones) who have backslid! I don’t claim to be perfect and most of the things I write apply to me too! But just know sista that God loves you and he is married to the backslider! If you fall just pick yourself up and dust yourself off…REMEMBER: “Those who look to him are radiant; their faces never covered with shame.”~ Psalms 34:5 (but just read all of Psalms 34)…


I’m trying to withstand
But the touch of your hand
Leaves my flesh at your highest demand
As you pull me close to you
My spirit begging my flesh not to
I pray God give me strength to stop
But the pounding rhythm of our lust drowns out His response
If sinning had levels, just your kiss is highest
Hands moving down my thigh and
Now I can’t keep up
I’m lost my soul gives up
I look out at our shadows dancing on the wall
My soul caught up in the mist of it all
I reach out to her to comfort her
Make her understand this is what I…no my flesh needs!
See now I’m confused
Don’t know what to do
My flesh is winning
I see you grinning
My soul cries out once more “PLEASE!”
As she’s raped by the one she thought loved her…