Welcome to the most Over-rated web page on the internet

Welcome to the overrated web page of b-box. Before you decided to come hear, did you ask why. Anyone can say anything is overrated. Why do I need to listen to b-box spew what he says is overrated. You may have come expecting to see some pictures of overrated people. Newsflash, b-box has no digital camera and is wetawded so there are no real pics. The only pics on the page are the gayest or sexiest that angelfire has to offer. So if you want to see the web page become decent explain to me how i can get pictures on the web page; Until then this truely will be the most overrated piece of shit on the web.

Disreguard the previous bunch of crap because I now have a soul trapper of my own as I have meets with pictures.

By the way, Humanforsale.com has me appraised at 2,380,986.00

9-22-02-----Sorry about the 4 months of nothing being added to the web site. I think I will try to make it less over-rated eventually but, I still don't know what I'm doing with the editing.

10-24-02-----Another big layoff done and more broken promises... If it helps I added a new section to the over-rated lists, although it doesnt really proclaim much to be over-rated.

10-25-02-----I would just like to say I think im finally getting back to working on the page.

10-27-02-----I rearranged a little bit of the lists' but nothing dramatic...

10-30-02-----I added more random facts and my philosophy/belief of life.

11-12-02-----I added more random facts...

12-6-02-----New facts on display....Also, I added the dates for the random fact of the day.

Established March the Twenty-Third in the Year of Our Lord 2002.

-the overrated distance runner b-box

The Three most over-rated .coms

My Favorite Web Sites

squirrelfishing.com (not the good kind of squirrel fishing)
virginias page
definition of overrated
felch.com (must be 18 or older)
b-box.com (seriously its got stuff on viagra)

Email: n_j_babypop@yahoo.com