Transportation and Auto Repairs

    I know, I know, a single parent is lucky enough to have a vehicle, let alone to actually have it running. Auto repairs are always expensive, and without a vehicle, we cant work.

    Just a few ideas.

    Getting a vehicle

    There are organizations that help people obtain a car. It works this way; people donate vehicles to charity, thus allowing them a tax write off. These places then give the vehicles to needy families, or have them crushed (giving the charity cash they need to help families). Open that phone book and call every county agency to find some info.

    Unless you are lucky enough to know someone whom will give you an old car.

    *Please note: old cars always need repairs, so find a mechanic friend while your at it.

    DMV costs, gas, insurance

    Its my understanding that you get a cut rate for certain issues (senior discounts, disabled, etc). Call your local DMV and find out if you qualify for a lower rate when transfering a title, reg, or tags. As for gas, good luck on this one. The only thing I know that helps pay for gas is some sort of job training programs, and thats IF you qualify. Look into it, it cant hurt. Insurance; Most states offer cheaper insurance if you don't have any problems with your driving record (DWI, accidents, etc). Try to keep a clean record and then ask your insurance provider for the better rates because of your clean record. As always, open the phone book and call around for prices from every single provider as well. :)


    Where I live, there are vocational schools that teach all sorts of skills to people. Training Schools of all sorts are everywhere.

    At these schools, some offer free or low cost auto repairs; you pay for parts and they repair it. Their students learn hands on and it helps the community. The waiting list for these repairs are usually long.

    Call your local schools and see if they offer these things in your state, county, or town.

    Maybe check with local high schools in the auto shop departments, to see if they would be willing to donate their time to fix your auto.

    Hey, it doesnt hurt to ask.
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