Ex Husbands Boyfriends
Fathers Who Kill

    Fathers Who Kill
    Men Who Kill
    Violent Men
    Boyfriends Who Kill
    ex husbands or
    ex boyfriends who kill

    "According to a 2002 report by the Violence Policy Center, at least 662 people died in murder-suicides in the United States over a six-month period the previous year.Three-quarters of murder-suicides involved “intimate partners,” the study found, and of these, 94 percent involved men killing women and then themselves."
  • An epidemic 03.16.05 article - DUH.
  • Society in crisis 03.16.05 article - DUH.
  • VPC.org The Violence Policy Center (VPC) has undertaken a study to analyze murder-suicides in the United States. This study is one of the largest murder-suicide studies ever to be completed. View stats or download report / study (pdf)

    Ya Think?

    And its still getting worse.

    Worldwide, hands down, males are the most violent things on the planet. Why? Why are males so mean to those they 'love'? Why do they act so swifty on their anger? Why do males kill their wives, girlfriends, dates and yes, even their children?


    Most of these men are educated, some well educated. In almost all cases, people whom know them say they were "nice guys" and "a great family". Just goes to show that you really DONT know a person until you live with em. If your a woman, its a VERY real risk to leave a relationship; even if the man seems 'normal', or is an educated man. If they dont want it to end, they end everyone.

    The Ultimate Selfish Acts

    There are thousands of these cases: these dont include serial killers and sexual predators.

  • Joseph Acey - family problems likely led to Joseph taking his wife's life, just before claiming his own.
  • Richard Adams - confessed to killing his 6-year-old daughter. Adams, 24, has admitted murdering his daughter, Kayla McKean, in a fit of rage.
  • Francisco Andrade - kills ex girlfriend and self... man shot and killed his estranged girlfriend before turning the gun on himself
  • Anthony Lamar Bailey - kills 4 children. Anthony Lamar Bailey is charged with shooting his four children with a shotgun, and then setting the family's house on fire to cover the crime. The victims included a boy and two girls -- Lamar Bailey, 1, Ayana Bailey, 3, and Shanice Bailey, 11. Antonia Bailey, 9, was shot in the stomach. She remained at Children's Hospital of Michigan, where she was in fair condition Wednesday.
  • John Bailie - kills wife, then self... man shot and killed his wife before shooting and killing himself
  • Carlis Ball - two-year-old boy who died after suffering scalding burns; He is being charged with failing to obtain medical care for his baby son. (some never seek medical attention for their kids)
  • Mark Barton - kills wife, 2 children and then 9 others.A securities day trader who killed nine people in two office buildings in the city's glitzy Buckhead district and eluded an extensive police manhunt for five hours killed himself in his van... The man, Mark Barton, 44, also is suspected in the killings of his wife, Leigh Ann, and two children from an earlier marriage, whose bodies were found
  • Edward Baxter - man faces assault charges after trying to circumcise his eight-year-old son with a kitchen knife.
  • Leslie Beech -kills girlfriend.Leslie Beech, 39, was upset with his live-in girlfriend, 56, who asked him not to smoke crack in their Brooklyn home. He apparently responded by killing her,
  • Williams John Billick - Father kills his twins.man shot to death his 18-month-old twins and then killed himself Sunday after a bitter quarrel with his estranged wife, police said. Williams John Billick, 53, an entertainment lawyer, killed his children, Alexandria and Daniel, with a single shot each before taking his own life.
  • Alfred R. Bishop - teen girl refuses to kiss him, so he killed her.
  • Rufus Bishop - kills daughter. man accused of shooting his 13-year-old daughter in the head and then trying to burn down his house with her inside.
  • Aaron Black - kills wife, then self.The woman's mother says Ashley spent the night with her after the couple had a fight - then returned home
  • Donald Blakes - kills wife, then self.Donald Blakes and his wife Wendy frequently argued. Wendy had recently separated from her husband and had just filed for divorce.
  • Robin D. Blair - kills ex wifes friend, then self. man fatally shot a worker he saw with his ex-wife outside a Target department store.
  • Orlando Blanco - kills girlfriend; the man fatally stabbed a woman inside the elevator, then jumped to his death from a fire escape on the eleventh floor. Both worked at the hotel.
  • Clyde Blount Sr. - kills boy.A 15-year-old boy in Orange County, Fla., died after he was shot by a fellow student's father following a fight between the teens
  • Retired trooper Michael Bochicchio -killed his wife outside court.A former state trooper killed his estranged wife, wounded her divorce lawyer and then shot himself
  • Eric D. Boyston -shoots 5, killing 3.Three people were killed inside - two men in their 20s and a woman in her 60s,The suspect's 60-year-old grandmother was wounded.
  • David Brame (Police Chief) - Crystal Judson Brame, a mother of two, was 35 when she was mortally wounded by her husband, Tacoma Police Chief David Brame, before he killed himself on April 26, 2003, in a shopping center parking lot. She died a week later. Shot wife, then himself.
  • Jesse Brown - kills family.man, distraught over taking care of his ailing father and disabled son, killed three family members before turning the gun on himself
  • Robert Bryant - described as the perfect family- kills his wife and 4 kids.landscaping contractor; Dead are the 37-year-old father, his 37-year-old wife, Janet Ellen Bryant, as well as 15-year-old Clayton, 12-year-old Ethan, 10-year-old Ashley and 9-year-old Alissa Bryant.
  • Pickney "Chip" Carter -kills ex-girlfriend, her daughter and another man.
  • Ajit Chordia -kills wife, then self.It was thought to be an amicable split, so much so that Sylvie Desilets agreed to help her husband pack his belongings days after their preliminary divorce decree was issued. But when she went to their apartment in Woburn on Monday night, police say, Desilets walked into a long-planned attack.
  • Shawndale Clark -child abuse in the death of his daughter, 14-month-old Amaree Mathis; she died of blunt force head trauma and other injuries.
  • Daniel Cook -Had custody of his daughter, 4 month old girl, then Charged With Severely Beating Infant Daughter.
  • William Cotter -kills wife, then self.A man under a court order to stay away from his wife burst into her home in camouflage clothing last night and shot her dead, then took his own life after a gunbattle with police
  • Edward M. Covert - kills wife.
  • Theodis Cox - kills his baby.Theodis Cox wanted to hurt his wife in a way she would never forget, a relative said Tuesday. When she walked out of their home, holding the couple's 9-month-old son, Cox pulled out a gun. But he didn't aim at his wife. Instead, authorities say, he pointed the handgun at their son, then shot and killed him.
  • Gary Dalebroux -kills wife, then self. Luxemburg attorney shot his wife and then himself dead
  • Louis DeBerardinis - kills girlfriend, 3 more, then self.man beat and stabbed his girlfriend to death on Christmas Day in New York then went on a shooting and arson spree, killing three others before turning the gun on himself
  • Andrew Detwiler - Sons tried to save their mother.man who had recently left a mental health facility killed his wife after an argument;They came out of their respective bedrooms, they saw that their father had a knife to the throat of their mother
  • David Dixon - kills wife and whole family.A couple and their two daughters were found dead in their home Sunday after the father fatally shot his family, then himself;two girls, 5- year-old Lauran Olivia and 18- month-old Ella Grace;We believe it was domestic related, with Amy wanting a divorce and he didn't want one,
  • Aaron Dookie - kills daughter and self.man, Wife told him she wanted a divorce; described as despondent over his failing six-year marriage, killed his young daughter and took his own life in the family garage;Aaron Dookie, 34, and his 5-year-old daughter Laurissa,pair died from carbon monoxide poisoning.
  • Corbin H. Douglas - killed his 14-month-old son."Evidence indicates that the defendant put morphine in the child’s milk bottle".cause of death was heart failure because of respiratory failure, Muehl said Tuesday, and the respiratory failure was caused by the morphine.
  • Darcy Doyle -kills ex wife and new boyfriend.Spurned by his wife, Darcy Doyle exacted a deadly revenge. The Sundre man kicked down the door of his wife's new suitor, Richard Radcliff, 40, and killed him instantly with a blast from a 12-gauge shotgun late Friday night. Doyle, 40, then shot his wife, Nicolette, in the chest before turning the weapon on himself
  • Nathan Ross Duncan - beat his 6-week-old infant girl; she has blood on her brain, she has a broken right rib, a fractured foot and she also has hemorrhaging in both eyes, severe hemorrhaging. At this point, the doctor does not know if she will be able to see".
  • Robin Edwards - A man killed his three young sons before taking his own life;Bradley Edwards, 9; Ryan Edwards, 7; and Kyle Edwards, 5.
  • Jon Eichelman - man shoots boy.Man Charged With Shooting Boy In Fit Of Road Rage; 2-year-old Lancaster boy shot
  • Estrada - tryed to kill his newborn son by dumping him in a portable toilet figured he had no other choice but to drown his baby because he didn't want it.Estrada told a Kenosha County sheriff's detective that he figured the baby would be found in two to three days and would be dead by then because of the low temperatures - it was 21 degrees when the infant was discovered - and because the child was dumped in the portable toilet fluid.
  • Donald Fell -kidnapping and killing a woman. Fell was convicted June 24 of kidnapping Terry King, 53, as she arrived for work at a Rutland supermarket, taking her across the New York state line and bludgeoning her to death as she prayed for her life.
  • Kevin Fenton - stabs wife and daughter, killing daughter. later kills self.man attacks his wife with a knife and stabs their daughter to death; Connor Fenton (10-years old) was stabbed twice by her father
  • Rudell Ferguson - charged with 2 counts of first degree murder after he confessed to hitting his one-month old son, Elijah.
  • Jacob Fields - A 7-week-old boy was killed after his father kidnapped him and his 4 year old stepbrother, placed the children without restraints in a car, then crashed into a concrete embankment.
  • Vincent R. Ford - kills son.shooting was sparked by a disagreement between father and son involving medical care for the ailing mom
  • Todd Alan Foster - kills ex girlfriend, new boyfriend, then self.A woman who returned to her ex-boyfriend's house to pick up some belongings was shot to death by the man, who also killed her new boyfriend before turning the gun on himself
  • Kevin Fox - killing his three-year-old daughter. Kevin Fox faces charges of first-degree murder and predatory criminal sexual assault in the death of his daughter.
  • Anthony Quinn Francois - ex boyfriend shoots 5, 3 sisters killed. the ex-boyfriend of Shamika Patterson, 16, shot Patterson's sisters at their home
  • Joseph Ganshert - kills wife, and 2 children.shot and killed his wife, their young daughter and her teenage son while they slept and later killed himself
  • Augustin Garcia - ex boyfriend kills...A bride-to-be was shot dead in front of her family Sunday by a former boyfriend who walked uninvited into her New Jersey home as the family was about to leave for the wedding
  • Miguel Garcia - shoots wife, kills self. Katrina Marquez-Garcia was shot in the face by her estranged husband;the couple were in the process of ending their marriage
  • Salvador Garrido -CONTROL FREAK kidnaps.who was visiting with his 3-year-old son Gianmarco, but failed to return the boy to his mother, on way to mexico
  • Manuel Gehring - kidnapped, then killed his 11-year-old son Philip and his 14-year-old daughter Sarah "on or about July 4."
  • Everett George - ex-correction officer kills his 2 kids.ex-correction officer fatally shot his 2-year-old daughter and 12-year-old son in front of their mother
  • Gabriel Ghazelian - kills family.Shoots Estranged Family; requested transportation back to his vehicle. Mrs. Ghazelian agreed to transport him back to his vehicle. As they were travelling slowly in heavy traffic southbound Riverside Drive towards Zoo Drive, Mr. Ghazelian withdrew a concealed handgun from his waistband and without warning, mortally wounded his estranged wife and his 13-year-old daughter Garine. The two surviving daughters, ages 14 and 16
  • Bobby Dewayne Gibson - kills his wife.man is in a Savannah hospital recovering from apparently self-inflicted knife wounds and facing charges of murder in the death of his estranged wife
  • Francisco Javier Gonzalez - kills wife, then self.her estranged husband, Francisco Javier Gonzalez, 45 years of age. This occurred on the front porch at the 5800 block of South Wilton Place. After an exchange of words, Francisco armed himself with a handgun and shot Edis one time in the head and then shot himself in the head
  • Simon Gonzales - abducted their three daughters from the home. Early the next morning, Simon committed "suicide by cop"; he was killed in a gunfight after he fired shots through a police station window. Police found the murdered bodies of Leslie, 7, Katheryn, 9 and Rebecca, 10, in Simon’s pickup truck.
  • Adair Javier Garcia - The five children who died of carbon monoxide poisoning from an indoor barbecue grill were killed by obsessive ex Adair Javier Garcia. He made a videotape in which he spoke to his ex-wife and expressed inability to move on with his life.
  • John Grimes - ex kills and shoots exwife.after shooting Lewis, John Grimes then shot and killed himself. Authorities say Grimes was likely upset about the couple's recent divorce.
  • Mark Hacking -killed his wife.shooting his wife to death as she slept
  • Albert Hansen - shoots son in head.During a dispute fueled by heavy drinking, a father shot his son in the head, although the bullet only grazed the younger man
  • Marvin Heemeyer -angry, kills self wrecks town.Man Kills Self After Bulldozing Parts Of Colorado Town
  • David Henry Hernandez -charged with murder in the death of his one-month-old son, who died several days after being hospitalized for brain trauma.
  • Michael Angelo Hill - kills mother and maternal gradmother of his 3-year-old daughter.shot Tressa Fisher, 30, and her mother, Thelma Fisher, 62, in a parking lot Friday morning outside the Juvenile Justice Center following a hearing in which the father was granted broader visitation rights; He had a weapon in his car, met the mother and grandmother in the parking lot and ... he killed both of the individuals," said Tim Adgent, administrator for Juvenile Court. "He shot the grandmother first, chased the mother (across the lot) and shot her, emptying his gun. He then reloaded, went over and shot the grandmother again"
  • Jerry Hobbs - kills his 8-year-old daughter, Laura, and her best friend, 9-year-old Krystal Tobias
  • William Hoffine - Teacher kills son.A 14-year-old boy jogging with his high school cross country team was shot and killed in an ambush by his father, who killed himself hours later in a standoff with police.
  • Robert Howard - killed his wife. former Olympic athlete killed his neurosurgeon wife before committing suicide by jumping from a 10th-story dormitory window
  • Ornette Hunter -kills wife, then self.Ornette Hunter, 33, shot his wife, Loretta, 29, twice outside
  • Vadim Ivanov -killed ex wife.The teenager orphaned in the Madison Ave. murder-suicide had begged his mother to leave his abusive father - and considers his mom's fiancé, John Turco, his second dad
  • Oscar Jimenez - kills woman and self after break up with girlfriend.man who tried to set himself on fire after a break-up with his girlfriend crashed his car into another, killing himself and the woman in the car he struck
  • Christopher Jordan - lazy man. left his four-month-old baby girl inside his jeep in the frigid weather.
  • Hart Jordan - lazy man. whose 18-month-old son was killed after falling out of the back seat of a crew-cab pickup truck while the boy, Cam Jordan, and his sister, Cheyanne Jordan, 4, were riding in the back seat of Hart Jordan's pickup; Neither child was restrained by a seat belt, nor placed in a child safety restraint
  • Terry M. Jones - kills wife, 2 children.Mr. Jones shot his wife and their children, 8-year-old Jesse and 4-year-old Tessa
  • Hockey Dad; Thomas Junta - killed fellow hockey dad.charged with beating to death another father after a youth hockey practice
  • Richard Kahle -killed a woman who was eating with her two children at a north shore restaurant; The bullets hit Candace Sepehri, who was killed, and her 4-year-old daughter, who was at St. Francis hospital in Evanston Friday night in stable condition. A 2-year-old daughter was unharmed.
  • George Kallas - kills wife.62-year-old retired factory worker has been charged with aggravated murder in the January 20 shooting death of Barbara Kallas, 57, a library assistant;Elementary and middle school students on their way to the library were among those who witnessed the killing; the couple were arguing about Barbara’s working at the library.
  • Barrington King - ex stabs. man deliberately set fire to a Brooklyn home during a domestic dispute, killing himself and two upstairs tenants described as innocent bystanders; Firefighters found two victims - identified by police as Herbert Simmons-St. Louis, 60, and Yolanda Frederik, 54 - in their second-floor residence. King's body was found in the basement
  • Randall King - Kidnaps baby son, shoots and kills baby, then self.A man abducted his 9-month-old son from the mother's home, then shot and killed the baby (Janie) 3 times twice in its head and once in its belly) and himself
  • Michael Kowal - kills son.Michael Kowal, 31, is charged with child endangerment resulting in death. His 2-month-old son, Dawson, was hospitalized last week with severe internal injuries
  • William Eric Krost - wife wanted a divorce; he didnt want his wife to have their 3 kids, so he stabbed them all to death,Brandon, 10; Ashley, 8; and Katherine, 4, then hung himself. He left a tape stating so, for his wife at the crime scene.
  • James Lancaster -kills wife, then self. man shot and killed his estranged wife, then killed himself, even as a judge's order for his arrest on harassment charges sat unprocessed in a court clerk's office. Police said that James Lancaster Sr., 36, went to the home of his estranged wife, Janice Lancaster, 34; daughter saw shooting.
  • Robert Lauder -shakes to death his 3-month-old daughter.
  • Federico Cervantes-Lavalle -killed his estranged wife.man killed his estranged wife Monday morning as she arrived to work at a high school and then turned the gun on himself
  • Tou Fong Lee - shoots son over a messy house.14-year-old boy is paralyzed from the neck down
  • John List "nice", WELL educated; killed whole family. Accountant. upper middle class home. John List, 46, lived there with his wife, Helen, 45; his daughter, Patricia, 16; and his two sons, John Jr., 15, and Frederick, 13. His 85 year-old mother, Alma, lived in an apartment in the attic; man with an extreme need to keep things under control.
  • Blong Lo -kills wife. No one knows exactly what the youngsters, ages 4 to 7, saw through the darkness as their parents lay dying in the street in front of their house
  • Christian Michael Longo - kills pregnant wife and 3 children.Morris was charged last week with seven counts of aggravated murder for the deaths of his wife, Renee, 31 -- who was seven months pregnant -- and their children Bryant, 10; Alexis, 8; and Johnathan, 4.
  • Anthony Mangiamele - Father kills his son.Anthony Mangiamele threatened to kill himself and his 2 year old son when his wife told him in November that she wanted a divorce
  • Perry Manley - mad about child support (of course).he became embittered and quit a high-paying job after their divorce in 1990 when a judge ordered him to make support payments for their three children; The man, dressed in camouflage;A man described as angry about child support rulings was shot to death while brandishing an inert hand grenade in the new federal courthouse; Hundreds of judges, jurors, employees and prisoners in the 23-story building were evacuated.
  • Jeffrey Martinson - Martinson was reported to be despondent over the pending visitation changes. Kills 5 year old son. Once inside, officers found Joshua dead on his bunk bed and Martinson passed out on his bed with superficial wounds on his wrists and empty prescription bottles and over-the-counter medications around the master bedroom. At the time, the mother had full custody rights and an order of protection against the father. However, Martinson still had visitation rights.
  • Randy Leverne McKendall, - kills wife.
  • Derrick K. Miller Sr - kills self because upset over child support.43-year-old Paradise Hills man, reportedly depressed about a court ruling on overdue child support, fatally shot himself early yesterday on the steps of the downtown San Diego courthouse
  • Clarence L. Moore - man stabs wifes 5 kids, killing 2. former soldier fatally stabbed two of his wife's young sons with a hunting knife and wounded her three other children before committing suicide. When police arrived, a bleeding little girl came out into the front yard."She was all bloody and cut up,". Clarence S. Moore, a 1-year-old who was Moore's only biological child with his wife, died from a cut to the throat; Two other boys 3-year-old Shawn Smith and 5-year-old Shelton Smith remained in critical condition; Their older sister, Shelby Smith, 7, was upgraded
  • Doug Moringiello - kills wife.engineer.
  • Edward Morris - kills pregnant wife and 3 children. wife, Renee, 31 -- who was seven months pregnant -- and their children Bryant, 10; Alexis, 8; and Johnathan, 4.
  • Jihad Hassan Moukalled - kills pregnant wife, and 3 children.A man distraught over gambling debts killed his pregnant wife and three young children, then shot himself to death. his wife, Fatima, 31; daughter, Aya, 7; son Adam, 5; and daughter Lila, who would have turned 3
  • Henry Newman - kills son.A 22-year-old man was shot and killed by his father Saturday as he tried to drive away from his father's home after the two had gotten into an argument
  • Brian Nichols - escaped from a courthouse, killed 4 people and held a stranger hostage for 8 hours -- is a case of Stage 6 Obsessive Ex Syndrome! He was initially in court for having kidnapped his ex-wife, held her prisoner for 3 days, raped her and threatened her life.
  • Frank Olivares -kills wife, daughter, then self.shot his wife and 4-year-old daughter; The body of their daughter, Amanda, was found in bed in what investigators believe was her bedroom. It appears Bonny was preparing to leave Frank; During the investigation, detectives found a note that explained why Olivares Sr. committed the slayings and then killed himself,"This is not a random act. We believe it is a result of an internal domestic issue within the home,"
  • Nicolae Onitiu - kills his daughter.brutally beat her, then strangled her with a clothesline in the basement.
  • To Lip Pai - kills wife.a 32 year-old female Los Angeles resident, who was killed by her husband during a violent attack that also left her mother and brother critically injured.
  • Scott Peterson - killed his wife and unborn son. Upper middle class my ass. He was taught nothing.
  • Mark Picard - who teaches art at Notre Dame High School; Tryed to kill daughters softball coach, distraught over his daughter's suspension from a softball team was arrested on a charge of beating her coach with an aluminum bat.
  • Tony Pope - killed ex-girlfriend.
  • Tremaine A. Powell - death of his 3-month-old son; caused the baby's deadly head injuries -- and broke one of his legs in two places -- in frustration over the child's crying.
  • Lee S. Przybyl - killed wife, and her mother.Lee S. Przybyl, 40, the husband, fatally stabbed her, shot her in the head and then shot her mother to death.Eleven hours later Lee Przybyl took his own life with a shotgun blast to the head. The couple's two children, a boy, 10, and a girl, 11, were orphaned by the domestic tragedy.
  • Bryan Christopher Randall - Father kills daughter, injures 3 sons.Former Ivy League basketball star first he tries to drown two children, killing one. Then, with two sons in his SUV, he veers it into a semitrailer truck's path.drowned his daughter Yana, 2, and tried to drown his son Regal, 4, in a lake on Sunday. On Monday, Randall steered the SUV into the truck's path on Interstate 4 in Lake Mary, intending to kill himself and his two older sons.Bryan II, 8, and Julian, 6."I could not allow those beautiful children to grow up in the manner she would raise them," said the letter, printed neatly on a legal pad,
  • William Reichert - kills wife, and 2 children. shot his wife Miranda Reichert, and the children, 3-year-old Cara and 2-year-old William,
  • Christopher Rhodes - Kills daughter.7-year-old girl found slain in her Catholic school, who had been stabbed multiple times in the abdomen
  • Steven Rios -kills gay lover.Police officer. murder of his lover, Jesse Valencia, 23.
  • Ricky Risner -shot wife, toddler son, killing wife, then killed self.Risner, 30, shot and killed his wife, Jennifer, 31, and wounded the couple's 3-year-old son child during a domestic dispute in front of the house.
  • Tomasso Rizzi - Rizzi shot Ortiz to death as three children watched.
  • Jeffrey Doyal Robertson -shot coach.father of a high school football player in Canton, Texas, shot and critically wounded the athletic director at his son's high school
  • Carl Edward Roland - killed ex-girlfriend.killing of his former girlfriend, Jennifer Gonzalez, 36.
  • Sujan Saha - kills whole family.A man chopped dead his wife, mother-in-law and sister-in-law yesterday to avert an arbitration
  • Kenneth Saunders - A shot 16-month-old girl.
  • Roger F. Scanlan - kills family.attacked his father, Roger J. Scanlan, 71, and his mother, Mary Frances Scanlan, 70, before taking his own life; protection order in place
  • Theodore Joseph Selbitschka - charged in connection to death of 6-month-old daughter, Hope Elise Donley.
  • James D. Smallwood Jr - Father kills his 3 children.Corie, 10, Casey, 4, and Chase, 3
  • Raphael Spindell -CONTROL FREAK kidnaps.Father kidnaps son to ensure vegan diet; kidnapped his 14-month-old son from the baby's grandmother/guardian yesterday because the grandmother, Zoya Watterson, did not keep the infant on a strict vegan diet.
  • SOB - killed ex- and whole family.A 34-year-old man entered a park Monday night and shot and killed both his estranged wife and their 10-year-old son, who had just finished playing a game of softball, police said. The man later killed himself.
  • SOB -ex boyfriend kills new boyfriend.
  • SOB -ex boyfriend kills.
  • SOB -ex boyfriend kills women in middle of a bar.
  • SOB -kills wife, wifes sister, wifes boyfriend, then self.
  • SOB -Birmingham News; Hours after his wife said she wanted a divorce, an Etowah County father stabbed his three children and hanged himself, leaving an audiotape describing his actions, a sheriff said..
  • SOB -ex boyfriend kills boyfriend.
  • SOB - Father kills his 4 children.
  • SOB - kills 7, then self at church.
  • SOB -killed wife, then self.
  • SOB - WTF.
  • SOB - man kills daughter, mother.
  • SOB - boyfriend kills girlfriend, 9 year old daughter hears whole thing.
  • SOB - kills whole family.
  • John Barry Strother -kills wife.
  • Santosh Surve - kills whole family.
  • Jack B. Taylor -kills wife and her friend.
  • John M. Tester - kills daughter.
  • Christopher Clay Tillery - killed his wife and two children before turning the gun on himself.used a 9 mm pistol to kill Diane Tillery, 27, Christy Tillery, 8, and Christopher Clay Tillery Jr.,6.
  • Steve Reeve Tolbert - stabs son.
  • Cuong Tran - stabs 3 sons, 1 survives.
  • Mainor "Mario" Valentin - ex boyfriend kills...
  • Israel Miranda-Varella -CONTROL FREAK kidnaps.
  • Prudencio Mendez Vasquez - kills daughter, stabs wife, then self.
  • Juan Carlos Vasquez - kills wife, then self.
  • Otheron Marcell Walker -death of a 9-month-old baby girl.
  • Romelle Watts -kills girlfriend.
  • Ward Weaver - rapes sons girlfriend, killed two little girls.
  • Lathaniel Lamont Warren - displayed a gun in his waistband, taking his 4-year-old daughter from in front of her home.
  • Toby Welchel -shooting spree, 3 dead.
  • Marcus Wesson -killed his 9 children.
  • David Wilhelm -kills wife, coworker, then wounds self.
  • Steven Wolczak - killed his four-year-old daughter. Police also want to know is if he killed his 9-month-old son. Four-year-old Rebecca died Sunday night of apparent strangulation. Today her father, 23-year-old Steven Wolczak, was charged with her murder. And now investigators taking another look at the death of Wolczak's nine-month-old son Ryan.
  • Pui Kei Wong -kills wife.
  • David Edward Wyzanowski - kills wife and family.
  • Maurice Young - after mom breaks up with him, he kills his 3 children, then self.
  • Rodrigo Cervantes Zavala - The children's mother told investigators that he had threatened the family several months ago. killed his childrens two grandparents, and one uncle;The bodies of Saul Lopez Acosta, 63, and Trinidad Castro Acosta, 51, were found in the living room. Jesus Manuel Acosta, the children's 17-year-old uncle, was also dead.Eighteen-month-old Bryan Cervantes and his 3-year-old sister, Jennifer are believed to be with their father headed for Mexico.
  • Obsessive Ex Syndrome - isnt that the truth...
  • Some on a list - School, Workplace Violence.
  • CrimeLibrary.com <-search it
  • Cold Case Files <-on A & E or aetv.com
  • American Justice <-on A & E or aetv.com
  • False Ego <-EXACTLY right!
  • Federal Stats <-lots of info
  • Homicides of Children
  • Fatality Report

  • MONEY:
    They killed their kids & family
    rather then pay childsupport
    or accept the term "its over"

    The Ultimate Selfish Acts

Makes ya say 'WTF'
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