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The Beginning...

The Xtreme Wrestling Federation hosted Royal Rumble 2003 in which what seemed to be one of the biggest events of all time! The almighty 30 men Rumble was one of the most electrifying matches the XWF has ever seen! The hot favourite Kurt Angle was eliminated early as the GAME.. Triple H ripped through the people in the ring! The Game eliminated several guys however when it came down to four men.. H H H, Rob Van Dam, Taz and Rhyno the Game was out numbered! It was ECW onto Triple H and he was then eliminated.. or SCREWED as some people might put it! It was Triple H's time.. his era.. his moment to go to Wrestlemania to fight the World Champion.. but not only to fight him but to DESTROY HIM! Now the Game must find another way.. a by pass route to the World title.. to the top.. where the GAME can show the world why he doesn't PLAY the Game but IS THE GAME! Although Mr Perfect has booked Triple H in a number one contender match for the ECW title! Does this mean Triple H will get his revenge on Rhyno? The monster and the almighty GAME will fight? But first another soul must be tortured and introduced to the NEW WORLD.. The world which shall be run by no one else BUT the GAME himself.. Triple H is more than a man on a mission.. stay out of the guy's path!

Your In A New World.. A different World.. THE GAMES WORLD!

[- The XWF promotion begins to play as memories of the Royal Rumble is shown as the 2003 winner is none other than ROB VAN DAM! RVD will be going to Wrestlemania to fight the World Champion if it will be Jericho or not? The scene opens up outside an hotel it seems to be the Duxton hotel! All of a sudden the camera pans to the floor on the bottom where it shows a map of AUSTRALIA! OH my the XWF is in the Australia? Or are they? No.. just Triple H and Sean O'haire have gone away for a short vacation from the XWF! The sun is falling quickly as it is getting dark.. the time is about 6:30 pm and within the hour it'll be pitch black! Triple H and Sean O'haire are at the front as they don't seem to be in the best of moods.. -]

[- Sean O'haire 'THE ASSOCIATE' -] Does this place smell to you?? I can't quiet get used to this..

[- Triple H 'THE GAME' -] Did I say you could talk? Did I give you permission to talk to me? Do I look in a good mood to you? Am I the ROYAL RUMBLE winner? NO.. I was screwed.. I was down 3 to 1 and WHERE the hell were you? Where was the CAREER KILLER? I am the almighty GAME and I am the greatest wrestler of all time.. and my legacy will live on forever but 3 men? Come on Sean.. you should of been there..

[- Sean O'haire 'THE ASSOCIATE' -] Trips man.. come on forget about it! You got a chance to get revenge at Rhyno.. get the ECW title you can be a champion once again..

[- Triple H 'THE GAME' -] What the hell do I look like to you? I ain't no second tier wrestler.. I am the MAIN EVENT.. I am the GAME! I shall rule superior over the XWF if it's the last thing I do! I've been back for 1 week and look what I pulled off at the Rumble.. I did the unthinkable and ended with a 4th position! Much better than the so called XWF greats as Christian.. Jeff Hardy.. Kurt Angle! Once again I ruled over all.. I showed who was the man! If people think this is the end of me. . they got another thing coming.. my time.. MY GAME.. it's ONLY BEGINNING! Come Monday Night Raw I shall make the foundations shake.. I will go somewhere where no one has been with this company..

[- Sean O'haire 'THE ASSOCIATE' -] Where? Where Hunter.. what you talking about??

[- Triple H 'THE GAME' -] If the world thought they've seen the ugliest side of ME.. the CEREBRAL ASSASSIN they got another thing coming! My legacy.. my era.. it's only beginning as it's my time and Dudleys boys there isn't much to say to you guys apart from two key words.. GAME OVER! Your time has finished.. you may of been an amazing tag team but Buh Buh your about to step into the ring with the big boys now.. rules change.. and so will your WORLD! Welcome to the WORLD of H H H!

[- Sean O'haire 'THE ASSOCIATE' -] Where we off to now Trips?

[- Triple H 'THE GAME' -] You'll see.. a place which represents my power.. my destruction! Something that can not be touched nor controlled.. something which is as powerful as anything in this world! Yes Sean.. just like ME! The Game.. but there is a place.. a "THING" which closely represents the GAME! It is the THIRD WONDER OF THE GAMES WORLD..

[- Sean O'haire 'THE ASSOCIATE' -] What is it? And what the hell is the first 2 wonders of the games world??

[- Triple H 'THE GAME' -] What previously stood so tall that it overlooked one of the most busiest cities in the world? Something which could only be brought down with a huge force.. a huge amount of power! 2 objects which will be remembered for the rest of humanity?!?!

[- Sean O'haire 'THE ASSOCIATE' -] The twin towers?

[- Triple H 'THE GAME' -] Congratulations.. you actually got something right! And what does a car thrive on? The place where the car gets all it's power.. all it's force from?? Yes... the engine! Both represent ME.. how? Well the towers overlook the town like I overlook the XWF! Nothing is bigger.. than the GAME and I will not fall without an tremendous force! And a car engine.. a car can not survive without the engine just like the XWF! The XWF thrives on the GAME.. the XWF NEEDS the Game! Without the GAME there is no XWF.. just like a car! So what is the third wonder of the games world which compares to me? Let's find out.. [Sadistic smile]

[- Triple H and Sean O'haire enter a limo as the people nearby turn and give all there attention to the 2 famous wrestlers! The Game and the Career Killer get comfortable as the limo driver turns around to greet the two! As the limo takes off.. Triple H grabs a drink! -]

[- Man 'LIMO DRIVER' -] How's it going boys.. so we still scheduled for the..

[- Triple H 'THE GAME' -] Hold it there.. shut it... don't say a damn word! Just turn around in your little tuxedo and mind your own business and drive the damn vehicle before I put your head through the windscreen!

[- Man 'LIMO DRIVER' -] Yes Boss!

[- Triple H 'THE GAME' -] I am the leader of the XWF.. I am the ruler.. I shall become the true champion so how about you.. O'haire and the rest of the world BOW down to the MASTER.. THE GAME!

[- Man 'LIMO DRIVER' -] What exactly do you want me to do boss?

[- Triple H 'THE GAME' -] Just DRIVE the damn limo.. NOWWW!

[- The limo driver takes off as Triple H sits down again and dresses himself back up! After 15 minutes of driving from the city centre the limo stops.. you can hear the wind rustling against the limo as the doors open! Triple H takes a step out of the limo and looks over the sunset as the Game over looks one of the finest beaches in the world at COTTESLOE PERTH! Sean O'haire is shocked as he turns to Triple H as he nods at the CAREER KILLER!-]

[- Triple H 'THE GAME' -] That's right my good friend.. the beach.. the ocean! It has the power.. it can KILL.. it can rip people in half.. it can take control of something that IS in control! The ocean is deadly and what is seen on the outside isn't necessarily what is happening underneath! Just like the GAME! I am the most dangerous wrestler ever to be released in this promotion.. and I'm the man who will take control of this federation no matter how uncontrollable it is! As the ocean can kill so can the GAME.. Sean I give you the third wonder of the GAME'S world.. the OCEAN/BEACH!

[- Man 'LIMO DRIVER' -] Isn't it an amazing view.. I mean just look at it! People think it's one of the best beaches in the world.. it just..

[- Triple H 'THE GAME' -] SHUT THE HELL UP.. what the hell did I just say? I am just like the ocean.. OF course it's the greatest thing in the world.. I'M THE GREATEST thing in the world.. I'M THE GAME.. soon to be ECW Champion! I shall rule this company.. I shall drive it into the dirt as I flaunt with it's foundations.. with it's base! I AM the XWF and after I destroy not just Buh Buh Ray but the DUDLEYS and then RHYNO the world will see what type of wrestler I REALLY am as I shall own anybody who enters MY WORLD.. MY RING!

[- Triple H and Sean O'haire walk down the sandy track as the limo driver waits in the parking lot! The GAME walks straight onto the sand as he stops when he hits the beach front! As a huge bang is heard as the water hits the sand.. the Game smiles SADISTICALLY.. Sean O'haire gives him a really weird look.. -]

[- Sean O'haire 'THE ASSOCIATE' -] Trips.. Dude.. why you smiling like that? What are you thinking..

[- Triple H 'THE GAME' -] What am I thinking? I'll tell you what I'm thinking.. I'm about to become something out of control! The XWF shall not control me.. the promotion won't have a grab of me.. I'M THE GAME! I shall do as I wish.. I shall do WHAT I wish and no body shall come anywhere NEAR to stopping me! People say Jericho is the legend of the XWF.. well the guy shall fall.. as the NEW legacy shall take over! There are still 4 wonders of the GAME'S world left to expose to this world.. four wonders which this promotion isn't aware of!

[- Sean O'haire 'THE ASSOCIATE' -] You've got to concentrate on the task in hand..

[- Triple H 'THE GAME' -] What is that? The Dudley boys? Do you honestly think the Dudleys match up to ME? Come on Sean.. not even if this was a handicap match would anybody consider the low self esteem wrestlers! They are EX tag champions.. they can't even dominate the tag division anymore and they want to step in the ring with the CEREBRAL ASSASSIN!?!?! I don't think so Sean.. no body can step in the ring with me and come out of alive and you honestly can consider a half of a tag team doing so?!?! Sean I've done a hell of a lot and come Raw I shall dispose of the Dudleys as I A M T H A T D A M N G O O D!

[- The camera fades out as the last shot left on the XWF footage is the shot of the ocean and the waves.. is the GAME as powerful as the ocean?!?! Let's see after Monday Raw.. ! -]