The scene opens to a beautiful Chicago fall morning. It is Wednesday, November 19, somewhere around 7:30 a.m. It is cool, but nice outside. We see Mary Jane sitting in her office. She is wearing a dark mauve, low cut, buttoned up blouse and a felt skirt which is a lighter shade of mauve, with black strappy high heels. Her hair is down and straight and she is wearing frameless glasses. She is sitting at the couch in her office, intensely studying and watching the tape from her session with Blayze Alexander. Occassionally, she looks down, reading some hand written notes, while speaking into a dictaphone.

As he speaks of the kidnapping of his wife, his face becomes cold. Anytime he mentions his wife, Lenora, he becomes stone cold. Definitely a sign of buried emotion. But, when he begins to talk about his son, I can sense a look of guilt in his eye. He's blaming himself for those lost years. There is definitely tremendous pain in his eyes and heart. Lots of heavy burden that needs to be released.

Mary Jane stops recording into the dictaphone, grabs the remote control off the coffee table and stops the tape. She looks down at her notes and begins recording again.

Recommendations to continue sessions once a week, if possible. Try to dig up these buried feelings about his wife. If mere talking doesn't work, hypnosis will be the next step.

Mary Jane stops recording and studies her notes for a few moments. Suddenly, we hear a buzz coming from the intercom system sitting on her desk. Mary Jane looks up with a start. The note book in her hand falls to the ground and the dictaphone lands on the coffee table and the battery cover breaks off, causing the batteries to pop out.


Mary Jane gets up, heads over to the intercom and presses the button.

Yes, Laura?

Dr. Martell, Alarra MacGreggor is here for her 8:00 appointment.

Great. Tell her I'll be up in a minute.

Sure thing.

Mary Jane goes back over to the couch, picks up the note book and dictaphone. She puts the dictaphone back together and slides it into her desk drawer. She goes out to the front office. We see Laura, Mary Jane's assistant, sitting at her desk, hard at work transcribing some letters for Mary Jane. She is wearing a white blouse and black skirt. Her dark hair is pulled back into a smooth ponytail. Sitting in a chair against the wall in front of the desk is Fyre. She is wearing an emerald green silk shirt and dark kahki dress slacks. Her hair is down. There is something different about her. She looks completely exhausted. She has some make up on, but it doesn't hide her tired eyes. Mary Jane seems somewhat taken aback at the look of her friend.

Hi. How are you feeling today?

Wiped out.

Well, come on back to my office and we'll get started.

Mary Jane leads Fyre down a very short hallway, past the fitness room and into her office.

So, another sleepless night, huh?


Well, hopefully we can get things figured out for you.

Yeah, hopefully. So, did Blayze Alexander make it in to see you?

Yeah. Actually, I was just finishing up some notes and things with his session. So, are you ready to get started?

As ready as I'm gonna be.

Well, then, have a seat. Do you want to lay on the shrink couch, as some of my other patients like to call it, or just sit on the regular couch?

I think I'd be more comfortable just sitting on the regular couch.

No problem. Just so long as you're comfortable.

Mary Jane grabs her note book from her desk as Fyre takes a seat on the large plush white couch. With the note book in hand, Mary Jane sits on the love seat across from the couch.

Now, before we get started, I need your consent to videotape this session. It is completely in confidence, I just use the tape as a tool to watch facial expression and things to get a better sense of what emotions my patients are going through. I always destroy the tapes as soon as I'm finished. Is that okay?

Yeah, that's fine. I trust you.


Mary Jane grabs a small remote control off the coffee table, points it to the wall facing Fyre and pushes a button.

So, Fyre. Why do you think you have been having trouble sleeping?

Well, every time I get close, I have these terrible nightmares about Dante.

What type of nightmares?

Well, there was one where you and Sam and Barrett and I were out to dinner in a fancy restaraunt, having a great time. All of a sudden, the doors opened with a bang and there stood Dante. We all turned around to see what was going on. Dante ran out and the guys ran after him. You and I noticed something at the door and got up to check it out. It was a time bomb. I saw the red digital numbers. 3 . . . 2 . . . 1, then I woke up.

Have there been any others?

Yeah, I had one just last night. I was sitting at a park bench, smoking a cigarette and watching Kevin play with the kids. Dante came up behind me and sat down next to me and started saying a bunch of shit. He then put his arm around me and held me down while he put a cigarette out in my eye, then I woke up from that one.

Fyre physically shivers at the thought of these dreams.

Now, do you find yourself fighting off sleep in order to avoid these nightmares?

Yes. All the time. Every time I give up and let myself fall asleep, I have one. I can't take it. I've gotta get some sleep, but I can't handle those nightmares.

I think that after everything Dante has done to you, your family and friends, you have a deep rooted fear. In both of the nightmares you've described to me, you have been with people that you care about. That tells me that you're very concerned about your loved ones and anything happening to them again. The fact that you have been keeping all this locked up inside had kept it coming back. I think that if we agree to meet anytime you feel the need, we can work on getting rid of this fear.

That would be great.

Okay, so for now, I don't think we need to have a session every week or anything. Just on an as needed basis. In the meantime, let me get you some samples of something that will help you sleep a dreamless sleep. You can try them out, and if they work for you, you can take this prescription and get it filled.

Mary Jane grabs a prescription pad that is sitting on the coffee table and writes out the prescription, tears the page off the pad and hands it to Fyre.

Thanks. I feel a little better already, having talked about it a little.

Good. Now, sit tight for a minute while I go find some samples for you.


Mary Jane gets up and leaves the room, then returns after a few moments with a small, white paper bag, which she hands to Fyre.

Here you go.

Mary Jane sits back down on the loveseat, grabs one of the remote controls off of the coffee table, points it at the wall again and pushes a button to stop recording.

Thanks so much. I really think this is going to help me. So, you ready for your match with Bastion?

Mary Jane rolls her eyes.

Oh please! He may be tough, but he's not that tough. He's just a little womanizing, everclear drinking, gimpy punk who can't keep his tag along little brother in line. I would recommend family counseling to them, but they're way beyond help. I don't even think that I can help them out. And, he's completely gone over the loss of this Brandy. She must have really done a number on him. I mean, he still has her journal. Poor thing. Well, at least he has his Everclear and women to drown his sorrows and his little brother to beat up on. You know what's funny. He's tried to get both the Hell Title and the Tag Team Titles before, and has failed. What makes him think he's gonna succeed this time?

Yeah, I kicked his ass before and I can't wait to see you do the same.

So, are you excited to be on Ken Katana's Kuts? It's the first one since I've been here.

Yeah. I'm not exactly sure what to expect, though.

Yeah? Well, I'm sure you'll do fine.

Well, I'm gonna have to get going. I have a plane to catch.

Well, I'll walk you out. I could use a cigarette anyway.


Fyre and Mary Jane stand up. Mary Jane goes to her desk and grabs a pack of cigarettes from the drawer. As she closes the drawer, the intercom buzzes again. Again, Mary Jane jumps ten feet into the air. Fyre just laughs at her. Mary Jane puts her hand on her chest, feeling her heart beat a mile a minute.

Jesus Christ, I've gotta get the volume fixed on this thing.

Fyre is still cracking up as MJ presses the button on the intercom speaker.

Yes, Laura?

You have a call holding on line 1.

Thank you.

MJ looks up at Fyre and begins to speak, but Fyre smiles and cuts her off.

I'll wait for you in the reception area.

Mary Jane chuckles a little.

Thanks. I won't be long.

Fyre leave the room as MJ sits down, picks up the phone and presses a button.

This is Dr. Martell.

Hi, Dr. Martell, this is Dr. Jeff Schumaker at the Calfornia State Insane Asylum. How are you doing today?

A very puzzeled look comes across Mary Jane's face. She continues to sound very professional, though, when she speaks.

I'm just fine, thanks. And you?

I'm fine. I'm calling you because you have come highly recommended for a psychiatric evaluation. We've just received a new patient here within this past week, and I've done some research to find the right doctor for this patient. I think you're just the doctor we're looking for.

Okay, what type of situation are we looking at here.

Well, he's been showing signs of severe schitzophrenia, among other things. You'd really have to come in and talk to him. We hear you're one of the best.

Well, thank you Dr. Schumaker. When do you need me to come to California?

As soon as possible.

Alright, well, how about tomorrow, then.

Tomorrow is great. We'll send a car for you at the airport. Just give us a call when you have your flight arrangements made.

Sure thing. Thanks, again. I am looking forward to working with you.

Same here, Dr. Martell. We will see you tomorrow.

Great. See you then. Bye.


Mary Jane hangs up the phone and sits for a second, letting that phone conversation sink in. After a few seconds, a big smile comes across her face, she puts her head in her hands and lets out a quiet scream of excitement. The fact that a doctor in California has heard of her and though it worthwhile for her to do an eval was very exciting for her. She giggles and dances around for a second before composing herself and leaving to meet Fyre in the reception area as the scene fades to black.

The scene opens back up to Mary Jane walking into her apartment later that same day. It is now somewhere around noon. Mary Jane had decided to come home for lunch and surprise Sam to tell him that they can go to California and spend some quality time there and celebrate her birthday before going to Canada for Battlezone. As she enters the door, she tries to be very quite. Sam is not anywhere to be seen. She quietly walks through the kitchen and into the living room. There is a large, gray, men's t-shirt rumpled on the floor. Mary Jane bends down to pick it up. Her face scrunches a little, as if she smells something. She brings the t-shit up to her nose and smells it. It smells like women's perfume, and not MJ's. A very confused, almost pissed off look comes across her face as she continues to walk towards the bedroom. We can here some rustling coming from the bedroom. Mary Jane slowly and quietly peeks around the door to the bedroom. We can hear a woman giggle, and we hear a thick irish accent speaking. Mary Jane just stands at the door, unseen and quietly listening.

Don't worry about her. She's at work and won't be home until 4:00 at the earliest. I promise, she won't catch us.

The camera zooms in on Mary Jane's face, which is now red with anger. She takes a deep breath and charges into the room. Sam is in bed with a young, blonde woman. It doesn't appear that either of them are wearing anything under the sheets. Mary Jane goes straight for the girl, grabbing her hair and tossing her naked body out of the bed like a little rag doll. She then throws the t-shirt of Sam's at the girl.

Cover yourself up. I don't want to kick your naked ass!

The girl, now shaking, quickly puts the shirt on. Sam sits up, shocked.

Mary Jane, what are you doing home?!

I came home for lunch to surprise you and tell you that we're going to California tomorrow. But you chose to invite some whore into my apartment.

Mary Jane grabs the girl's hair again and drags her closer to the bed.

Into MY bed?!

Still holding the girl's hair, Mary Jane delivers a hard punch to her face

And you have the nerve to ask what I'M doing here?!

Mary Jane positions the girl, who is halfway unconscious, in front of her. She releases her hair, pulls back with her right arm and punches the girl, full force, right on the nose. We can hear her nose break on contact. The girl falls back on the bed and onto Sam. Sam just looks shocked and scared as Mary Jane stands there, glaring at him.

Now, get your shit, including her, and get the fuck out of my life. I want you gone by the time I get home.

Mary Jane, her face filled with rage, walks out of the room, and out of the apartment as the scene fades to black.