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Lesson Number One
Earth, Sky, Day, Night
Sound and silence, Dark and light
One alone is not enough, You need both together..
Winter, Summer, Moon and Sun..
Lesson Number one!
Like a Rock
You must be hard!
Like a Oak
You must be firm!
Cut quick
Like my blade!
Think fast
Like a Rock
I must be hard!
Like a Oak
I must be firm!
Cut quick
Like my blade!
Think fast
Like a Cloud
You are soft..
Like Bamboo
You bend in the wind..
Creeping slow
You're at peace because you know..
it's ok to be afraid..
Like a Cloud
I am soft..
Like Bamboo
I bend in the wind..
Creeping slow
I'm at peace because you know..
it's ok to be afraid..
One alone is not enough,
You need both together..
Winter, Summer, Moon and Sun..
Lesson Number one!
Like a Rock
You must be hard!
Like a Oak
You must be firm!
Cut quick
Like my blade!
Think fast
Like a Cloud
I am soft..
Like Bamboo
I bend in the wind..
Creeping slow
I'm at peace because you know..
it's ok to be afraid.. (You can fly)
You have to learn..
Lesson Number One
Lesson Number one
Lesson Number One!

Like Other Girls
I wanna be like other girls
I wanna see what other girls see
Just to be free like other girls
To wear my old jeans
To eat a whole cake
Feel the sun on my feet
Be quiet, be crazy
Be anything I want to be
Dance around in my underwear
To walk by myself
Do nothing all day
To eat a whole cake
Be cranky with frosting
No cameras
No pressures
No phonies
No hair jam
No people who think that they know me but don't
No bleb from shoes
I wanna be like other girls
I wanna see what other girls see
Just to be free like other girls
woooo woooo
I wanna be like other girls
I wanna see what other girls see
Just to be free like other girls
To stay in one place
To sleep until 3
To meet a nice guy who likes me for me
No cameras
No preesures
No phonies
No hair jam
No people who think that they know me but don't
No bleb from shoes
I wanna be like other girls
I wanna see what other girls see
Just to be free like other girls
woooo woooo
I wanna be like other girls
I wanna see what other girls see
Just to be free like other girls
Just to be free like other girls

Girl worth Fighting For
Ling Well I don't need her to be all smug and snooty
Yao I got a plaque right here that says I kicked hun booty
Chien-Po We have everything we dreamed we find when we came back from war
All Yeah! Everything but... a girl worth fighting for
Yao Hey suck in your gut!
All there's a girl worth fighting for
Ling and I think she wants us to come over.
my girl will laugh at all my jokes
but tell it to me straight
Yao She'll rub my head when I get sick
Chien-Po And let me pick off of her plate
If ling can find a girl who likes his chopstick nose trick
Yao ooh he really better just propose quick
Ling well I have to say based on today I'm cranky
Chien-Po I'll just spend my life with you two
Yao Pass the hanky
Ling And there's no one there to steal my chair
Yao And twirl around the floor
All Wish I had a girl worth fighting for
Ling I would be true
All To a girl worth fighting
Chien-Po I'd make fondue
All For a girl worth fighting
Yao I even kiss you
All For a girl worth fighting...(weakly)

Here beside Me
I'll show you wealth
You've never seen
The sun and moon and shadows
The rainbow's arch, the mountain stream
The sunless clouds
And the winter's dream
I'll play you sounds
You've never heard
The waterfall, the river
The thunder of the hummingbird
The whisper of the snow
What if you never know
How much you cared
Till you are parted
Like stormy sea
How could I let you go?
How could I have
My life without you
Be with me!
The world's a door
That's open wide
Because you're here beside me
And with the moon and sun
To guide me
Now my heart
Can fly
Now our hearts
Can be freeeeeeee!

(I wanna be) Like Other Girls
The life of a princess
From her birth is well-defined
She must humbly serve her country
Play the parts shes been assigned
She gaurds the hopes of her country
Weak and mighty, rich and poor
Who could ever ask for more? (Who could ever ask for...)
Who could ever ask for...
I wanna be like other girls
Climb up a tree like other girls can
Just to be free like other girls
Get to be
To slouch when I sit
To eat a whole cake
Feel the sun on my feet
Get dirty
Act silly
Be anything I want to be
To dance around
In my underwear
To run really fast
To get rid of this fan
To eat a whole cake
Get crazy
With frosting
No escorts
No manners
No nursemaids
No worries
No hands folded perfect,
like holding a lily
No pinchy shoes?
I wanna be like other girls
Scrape up my knees like other girls can
Just to be free,
like other girls
Get to be
To speak for myself
To sing way off key
Marry someone I've met,
who loves me for me
No escorts
No manners
No nursemaids
No worries
No hands folded perfect,
like holding a lily
No pinchy shoes
I wanna be like other girls
Climb up a tree like other girls can
Just to be free like other girls
Get to be