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Happy Birthday Mom/Grandmom

Jack, Mom a great first seventy years! What are your plans for your next 30 or 40! Love Jack.
Gary, Love you.
Katie, Happy birthday, I love you.
Pat, HA I dont have to put anything since I made the site muhahahha. Happy birthday grandmom.
Karen, Happy 70th, Terry you are the best mother in law anyone could ask for I love you.
Ally, Happy birthday I love you.
Terry Ann (Mom), Happy birhtday I love you are wonderful. We are so lucky to have you as a mom.
Aunt Louie & Ron, Happy Birthday old girl your almost over the hill, but we love you very much. Aunt Louie & Ron.
Mike, Marcie*, Sky, Avery, Shannon Mom your everything to us love the Herrons in West Creek.
Tim, Good luck at 70 years young.
Joey, Danele & Noelle, to a swell kid to bad your birthday isn't august 14th. Love Joey, Danele & Noelle
Steven, Happy birthday to the warmest and wonderful mother, love Steve.
Kristen, Grandmom I love you very much you're an inpiration to all of us. Happy birthday.