Due to recent events that happened in and around the Philadelphia
area, some people are wondering what we did to piss mother nature
off.  After all, on August 23, 2011 at 1:51 PM, the Philadelphia
area was hit with a massive earthquake.  The earthquake hit 5.9
on the richter scale, and in Philadelphia, the magnitude was about
a 5.0.  This was the worst earthquake felt in the area in over 60
years.  When the dust settled from that, 4 days later on August
27, 2011 and August 28, 2011, the Philadelphia area was hit by
Hurricane Irene.  So, why did the Philadelphia area get hit by
an earthquake and a hurricane in the same time frame?  Here's
the theory:

On August 22, the Phillies beat the Mets 10-0, thus ensuring
themselves their 9th winning season in a row, and 10th out of 11.

The Phillies are almost assured of their 5th consecutive postseason

Mother Nature hates the Phillies, and is taking out her fury on
them and their fans.

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