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My Rose 

We met, quite by chance,
On an evening I was blue,
I was praying for romance,
And suddenly, there was you.

I remember every sentence,
You wrote upon the page,
It struck a chord in my heart,
A song, of endless age.

I can remember my thoughts,
How quickly they ran through,
And I recall every laugh,
I have ever had with you.

I compare our love to flowers,
In particular, a rose,
How fragrant and beautiful,
Is our love, and how it grows.

Someday, when we are together,
And if our flower is fading,
A lasting memory of you my sweet,
Will be in my heart remaining.

A rose so red and full of life,
And fragrant beyond sensing,
This rose, is for you my sweet,
My love is never ending.

Should youth and beauty fail us,
And upon our face it shows,
Remember, we, forever will be,
A fragrant, beautiful, Rose.

Midi " One Sweet Day"

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