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I consider you my friends
Although we've never met.
You've managed to touch my heart
Through this thing called 
'The Net'.

You've been there for me
When I've needed someone,
How can I ever thank you
For all that you've done.

When I've needed a shoulder
A prayer, a hug or an ear,
You have been there for me
Like we've been friends for years.

I don't quite understand it
Us meeting as cyber-friends,
But I feel God had a hand in it
In order for me to mend.

I prefer not to use it
This term 'cyber-friend',
I'll leave off the 'cyber'
And just call you friend.

I feel I must thank you
For showering me with love.
My angels right here on earth
Sent from Heaven above.



Midi: You Got a Friend








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