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Death's Heaven

Name: Death's Heaven

Location: Shadow Realm

Owner/ Master: Xuileb Xukuth

Other Occupants/ Slaves: Rhea Darkcloud , Janelle , Kasiiva Angeli , Ash

Intro: Welcome all to Death's Heaven. Home of Xuileb Xukuth and all his slaves. A dark place that exists only in the Shadow Realm. Floors of stone lay throughout the long halls that seem to be covered by nothing but darkness. Darkness that seemes to stretch out to you, drawing you into ares which you shall not return. Walls that seem to hold nothing but a great sense of evil that dance along the sudden winds that flow throughout the interior. You can hear whispers of those that had once thouht they could destroy the master of the house and take it as their own. Whispers of the souls of those that are no longer part of the world today. This is Death's Heaven... wtach where you step fool