Abbott Farm Archealogical Site


Leslie Prugh collection

The collection of Leslie Prugh of Bound Brook, NJ as it was displayed in the 1950's in Bound Brook, NJ.

A few years ago at our 2007 show in South River a collection of Abbott Farm artifacts turned up. The Abbott Farm site is one of the most famous prehistoric archaeological sites in the country. It is a grouping of over a dozen sites within a very close geographical proximity that make up the Abbott Farm Complex. This site just south of Trenton, NJ is now on the National Historical Register. The artifacts seen here were surface collected by farmers in the 1920s and were sold to early pioneer collectors such as John Welsh. Welsh later sold many items from his collection to Leslie Prugh of Bound Brook, NJ. Mr. Prugh was an avid Native American artifact collector in the 1950's and the photos in this album are photos of part of that collection that was offered for sale at public auction several years ago.

View the Artifacts photo album