
Painting Service


Miscellaneous Miniatures LLC


Kevin Hammond recently started this painting service.  He had been painting miniatures as a hobby for many years prior to starting Miscellaneous Miniatures LLC.  Almost all of the aircraft models that appear on the Armaments In Miniature website were done by Kevin.  Please see other painted Armaments In Miniature aircraft models on Kevin's photobucket here.


Decal Manufacturers


Beacon / I-94 Enterprises


Dave Windfree produces a line of decal sets for aircraft and vehicle models. The sets of decals used for aircraft models range in size from 1/100 scale to 1/600 scale.  Many of these sets contain decals that can be used for multiple scales.  Armaments In Miniature carries a small line of I-94 Enterprises' aircraft decals sets.


Shed Decals


Chris Sayer produces a line of high quality decal sets for 1/200 scale aircraft models.  These decal sets are laser printed and are waterslide.  Upfront prices may appear high but the quality and number of decals provided are definitely worth the cost.  Obtain these decal sets directly from Chris Sayer at


The Goblin Factory


Current status of this decal manufacturer is unknown.  Please contact Donald Beseny or call (412) 461-4601.  Armaments In Miniature still has a limited inventory of some of the Goblin Factory decal sets.  Please inquire about availability of a specific set.


Model Aircraft Manufacturers


Shed Models


Chris Sayer produces a line of very high quality 1/200 aircraft models.  Some of these models are the only models available in 1/200 scale.

The models are designed for 1/200 scale aircraft collector but may be used as war gaming models.


Helmet Models


This company produces a line of very high quality 1/200 aircraft models.  Some of these models are the only models available in 1/200 scale.

The models are designed for 1/200 scale aircraft collector but may be used as war gaming models.


Miniatures News Sites


The Miniatures Page (TMP)


The Miniatures Page is the home of miniatures wargaming on the internet.

