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Deep Search Hall of Fame

Jim Savage, past president and 1996 recipient of the Mary Ann Billings Award

John Momchin, former 1st vice-president and 1997 recipent of the Mary Ann Billings Award

Michael "Pop" Hurtack R.I.P, former club photographer, veteran, tale-teller and recipient of the 2000 Mary Ann Billings Award. You are deeply missed by all, Pop.

Jack Pongracz, former club Treasurer and 2002 recipient of the Mary Ann Billings Award.

Tom Henderson, club historian

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    Mary Ann Billings Deep Searcher of the Year Award:

    Someone who has demonstrated extraordinary club spirit, enthusiasm and fellowship; has contributed significantly to club life through leadership, initiative, participation and active involvement in club related activities; and has brought a number of interesting "finds" to club meetings for members to see. The members vote for the recipient of the award and the recipient must receive at least 50% of the votes.

    Past Mary Ann Billings Award Recipients:

  • 1995 Dan Sivilich
  • 1996 Jim Savage
  • 1997 John Momchin
  • 1998 Bob Hall
  • 1999 Russ Balliet
  • 2000 Mike "Pop" Hurtack
  • 2001 Ann Marie Dwyer
  • 2002 Jack Pongracz
  • 2003 Glen Gunther
  • 2004 Russ Leonardo
  • 2005 Joe Carelli

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