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Anthony's Personal Page
Recent news:


Slowly adding more content to the page. The Music link works now with more music content to come.


So I decided to start working on this site again. Gonna update some old info, upload new pics of me and some new anime clips. Enjoy!


I know, I know. I haven't changed anything in over a month. The 1st was my birthday and I didn't even post that. Happy birthday to me. I do have some free time today, maybe I will update the links and add more content.


Damn, it's been a MONTH since I last updated this thing and on top of that, the embedded sounds aren't working anymore!!! Well, I fixed it. Apparently, it doesn't like having .wav as an embedded file or something. I changed them all to .au and everything works just fine. :-)


Redid the Who Am I? page using the same layout as the front page with different colors. The Computers link is now active.


I completely redid the look of the front page. I am finally starting to feel comfortable with tables. Eventually all the other pages will have the same format. Also redid the sound on the front page and the Who Am I? page.

This page is a work in progress. Not all of the links work but hopefully they will soon. Check back in periodically.

  -The Management
Choose Your Path

Who Am I?

Photo Gallery

  Anime &
  Kung Fu Movies


Funny Stuff I've Collected


<BGSOUND SRC="sounds/">