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"Nothing matters in the whole wide world, when you're in Love with a Jersey Girl..."

"Forget everything you think you know about me..."

I want you to know that I miss you, I miss you so...

I am back! Over 1/4 of my USMA time is out of the way. wow. It wasn't what I expected, and yet it was. I still want to get in better shape. this really is a great opportunity if you keep an open mind to learn. Yeah it will drag sometimes. you've got to make the best of everything. I said last year that, "there is someplace deep inside myself i never knew existed, but trust me it is there in everyone of you, and i found myself reaching there to find i had not run out of hope. i will never know how." So i am hoping that place still exists, and I will turn to it when i need, and get through this even when i feel down. I met my goal for the summer- to get through buckner and run back to USMA, ready for the next academic year and everything that lies ahead with a "Corporal" after the "cadet" in front of my name. so that's a relief, and I am that much closer to graduation. and it turns out I actually had fun. My platoon was a good bunch of people, and I had some awesome people in my squad, so we made it a good time.

I've done some crazy, funny, brutally boring or exhuasting, and pretty awesome things. and i met a bunch of awesome people. i still am very lucky. yes i have given up a lot of things and made tradeoffs. I wish i could be there for my family and friends more, and see them whenever i wanted to. and just leave or relax whenever. But i like to think this is worthwhile.
My mum was commenting how it must look funny to me as i was wide awake on the way back to usma and all the work waiting there, while my sister was sleeping, just passed out in the car (she's so funny :), when she didn't have to worry about the number and intensity of things that i chose to. my answer was that i work and learn and do what i can so that she can sleep without a worry about anything but the things a 15 year old should worry about. so basically what i am trying to say is that hopefully ultimately this is all worthwhile, and i am happy to say that this still feels right for me, though some of it is still just as strange and new as my first day in some ways.

it was a good, short "civilian summer." Hilton Head was pretty and I saw Dashboard! then buckner was alright- i have so many stories and memories that I know I will never be able to tell them all, or have some of you understand why they are so funny or dear to me. But I thought of you all a lot. It was awesome to get a 2 day pass in the middle- brought some of my friends home, and Rich is back!!! and I saw my girls. I may see some of you up here soon on a weekend. And I am still meeting more people up here. Everytime i think that's it and things are done, good things happen and i meet great people who remind me that somehow everything is going to work out.

something always happens to remind you that someway, somehow, it's going to be alright. yes things are different, and i don't know if you can say that it is for the better or for the worse; i think it just is. changed. i guess that's life, and i am coming to like it somehow. once you realize how constantly things change, it's harder to take things for granted. appreciate every single little thing. hm. i would leave you with more wisdom than this rambling on this page, but then again random streamofconsciousness suits me :) if you know about this page it probably means that I care about you very dearly. thank you, i miss you...

(845) 515-6069 room
(845) 304-7379 cell
AIM: alyson1drlnd

no need for reminding, you're still All that matters to me...

What did I do this summer? Check it out: "THE 'NER"; CAMP BUCKNER

"Don't let your life wrap up around you, and don't forget to call whenever... i'll be here just waiting for you. i'll be under your stars forever, not here nor there, just right beside you."



Where I am
I believe in Rock and Roll
Goodbye, ND Class of 2001
