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For the purpose of bible study, or to help make your praise time more exciting, here are the names of the Lord and the blessings associated with them.

The Names of the Lord

Names were very important to the Hebrews because they believed a person's name revealed the person's character. If you knew someone's name you had an idea of his or her personality because the name was a window to the soul. Jacob's life of deceit was prophesied when he was given his name--the name Jacob literally meant "deceiver" (Genesis 27:34-36. Rachael, while dying in childbirth, named her son Ben-oni, "son of my sorrow". Jacob, though, changed their child's name to Ben-jamin, which meant "son of my right hand" (Genesis 35:18).

In Exodus 6:2 is one of the most important passages in the Bible because God sidcloses himself witha a new name--Yahweh (translated LORD) is God's personal name for Israel only. Before this time, He revealed himself with names like "God Almighty" (El Shaddai) or God (El, Elohim). These Old Testament names were used by both Israel and the nations surrounding them. But Yahweh was thr personal name that spoke of the intimate, redemptive relationship God had with His chosen people.

God promises Moses that He will deliver His people from the opressive Egyptians through His "great I AM that I AM" or "I cause to be what will be. "Jehovah--a name that says God is intimately connected to His people--He will certainly act of their behalf.

Throughout the Scriptures God is called and known by many names. He is called God (El, Elohim in the Old Testament, Theos in the New Testament). This name highlights the trancendence and absolute otherness of God. El is the creator and ruler of the universe. (Genesis 1:1, 17:1, 28:3; Joshua 3:10; 2 Samuel 2:31) Theos (God) is the New Testament name equivalent ot El and Elohim and was the generic name for God used by the Greeks. Like El this name emphasizes God's trancendence (1 Corinthians 8:4; Ephesians 1:3; 1 Thessalonians 1:1; Revelation 16:9).

God is called Lord (Adonai in the Old Testament, Kurios in the New Testament). When it is used to denote God, like Yahweh, the name Lord stresses the relational aspect of God. But Adonai also speaks of His authority and loftiness (Genesis 15:2; Exodus 4:10; Joshua 3:11).

God is called Saviour (Yasha in the Old Testament, Jesus in the New Testament). This is God's redemptive name. Salvation in the Bible included deliverance from dangers and ememies, but it also involved rescue from human guilt and eternal punishment. Jesus is the name of the Son of God in the New Testament. The name Jesus reflects the Old Testament concept of God as personal deliverer from the chaos of the world and the evil of Satan (Matthew 1:21; John 1:29). Jesus is also called the Christ, which fulfills the Old Testament prophecy of the Messiah (John 1:41), the Annoninted One.

God is the Most High (Elyon). The name suggests a God who is majestic and exalted above all other gods (Genesis 14:18-20; Numbers 24:16; Psalm 97:9).

God is called Almighty (El Shaddai). This was God's covenant name and used primarily by the patriarchs. It most likely means the "God of the mountains." This name reflects the covenant agreement between God and the leader of the family or clan. El Shaddai was the God who nourished, guided, and protected the family (Genesis 49:25; Exodus 6:2-3). Later in the Bible the name occurs most frequently in the book of Job (31 times). There were special names of God. He was called El Olam, "Eternal God" (Genesis 21:33); El Roi, "The God who sees" (Genesis 16:13); El Berith, "God of the covenant" (Judges 9:46); Lord all Powerful (1 Samuel 17:45); The Beginning and the End (Isiah 48:12); God, who has been alive forever (Daniel 7:9); The Alpha and Omega (Revelation 1:8, 17).

Like any person, God is known by His names. Because believers know the name of God, we know His identity and character, and thus we trust in His name (Genesis 12:8; Philippians 2:9, 10). God's people can also take great comfort and hope in His name. God's names are descriptive and predictive: they describe His nature, and they predict His faithfulness. His name tells us that He will act on the behalf of those who trust His name!


Jehovah-T'Sidkenu - The Lord our Righteousness Look upon Calvary and see Christ crucified for you. His blood is being shed for the remission of YOUR sins. Praise God for the blood of Jesus. You are no longer a sinner, but now a saint, by faith in the blood. You can stand before the throne of grace by the merits of the blood. Linked to that blessing is Jehovah-M'Kaddesh - The Lord who Sanctifies We didn't save oursleves and we can't santify ourselves. It is the Holy Spirit who sanctifies us. Praise Him that He has saved you and sanctified you. Sin has no dominion over you any longer because of the blood of Jesus and the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit. You can experience the fullness of the Holy Spirit through Jehovah-Shammah - The Lord is Present Priase God and thank Him for being in the midst. You see no matter how bad things are, He is with you. His peace is availabe to you through Jehovah-Shalom - The Lord our Peace He has made peace with God for you. You can come into His presence and have peace because Jesus shed His blood for you. The "peace that passeth all understanding" can now be yours. The barriers to that peace have been removed.
Jehovah-Jireh - The Lord our Provider promises success in life. You have been redeemed from the curse of the law which dooms us to failure. With Jesus you are "more than a conquerer. Jesus redeemed us from the curse of the law by being made a curse for us so that "the blessing of Abraham" might come upon us. Abraham couldn't fail in anything that he did, he was blessed at home, in work, in business, everywhere. You have the same blessing through Jesus sacrifice. God has "made a way where there is no way" and He will "supply all your needs according to His riches and glory in Christ Jesus." You are guaranteed success in your battles with the devil because "no weapon formed against you will prosper." This is your priviledge in Jesus through His blood. "If God be for us, who can be against us?"
Through Jehovah-Raphe we are given the victory over sickness. By the stripes on Jesus back, healing and health was purchased for you. Healing is a finished work of Calvary. Isiah says "by His stripes, we are healed" and Peter says "by His stripes we WERE healed". Isiah looked forward to Calvary and Peter looked back. Thank God you are healed by the stripes of Jesus and praise God for what He has done.
We have the blessing of total security through Jehovah-Nissi - The Lord our Banner or The Lord our Victory "Thanks be unto God who causes us to triiumph." We raise up the banner of praise because He has given us secrity and because He has won the victory. We can now dwell in safety through Him. This blessing is doubly assured because of Jehovah-Raah - The Lord our Shepherd He leads us, guides us, protects us, comforts us, Keeps us, watches over us, feeds us, knows us by name, defends us, etc. "Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil" for His "rod and staff, they comfort me. You have security in Him.

In addition, there are other words and names in the bible which refer to Yeshua/Jesus. The suffix "iah" means Yah, which is a shortened form of Yahweh. Therefore, the word "hallelujah" translates to "praise Yah" or "Praise the Lord". The name Zedekiah= "Yah is might" - Nehemiah= "Yah is comfort" - Nehemiah= "Yah is comfort" - Zebediah= "Yah is endower" - Zechariah= "Yah is renown" - Seraiah= "Yah is prince" - Isiah= "Yah is helper" - Hezekiah= "Yah is strength" and Obidiah translates to "Servant of Yah". I'm sure a closer inspection would uncover others. We hope this page has helped you to learn more about the character of God and has helped you in finding more reasons to praise Him. May the Lord bless you richly in your walk with Him!

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