Laws of the Tide Order

club rules


Before you join the ranks all hoard members must learn the law. They do this at the Court of Tide Law and Rankings. The scroll of Law reads as follows:

"I am the law"
~Ripfang Tide

The Basics of a Redwall Club
(Read if you are new to Redwall on the Internet)

• As you can see, this is a totally non-profit enterprise. Everything that takes place here is merely acting out a part from the book series by Brain Jaques called "Redwall". If you wish to learn more about Redwall, go to the offical webpage.

• Redwall clubs work by members (you if you join) submitting answers to activities related to the book series. (Ex. quizs, riddles, poems, stories) Now, depending on the quility of the work, you get points (coins). If you earn over 10 coins, you get a new rank. Here at this club it would be "New Salior." To see how many coins it takes to get a rank, see the chart* below.

• To submit work and answers for coins (points), use the form at the bottom of most pages. If no form is present, please submit work to the e-mail address previded.

Ranking Chart*
Rank Picture Coins Needed
New Salior11-20**
Advanced Salior31-40
New Cook41-50
Advanced Cook51-60
New Mapmaker61-70
Advanced Mapmaker71-80
New Navigator81-90
Advanced Navigator91-100
Slave Driver101-110
High Captain151-200
High General251-300
Fleet Commander301-400
Staff Ranks
Brother3 command
Queen2 command
King****1 command

**you are promoted to this rank if you submit at least 1 thing
***At this level you may buy a ship or enter the fort
****The king is the founder of the club and is incharge of everything to do with HihgTide King ruling now is:Ripfang Tide and Quin F.Tide (founder)

How Many Coins Do You Get for Stuff?

• Look to the instructions located at the top of the page with the activities. The average amount of coins is between 3 to 40. Average work gets 15 coins. In Training I will set a standard and you must acomplish it to be in a fighting army, each task is half a rank. I am picky though, so always try your best.

The Laws

• The laws of Tide are put forth for a reason, even if some may seem foolish or silly. The only person that is able to change the rules is Ripfang Tide. Any member that breaks the law needs to be punished. Like any other horde discipline is the back bone. The same thing is in affect here. I will not tolerate any infractions of the law. The level at the end of each law states the punishment on the chart below*****. The law is as follows:

Law 1~FLAMING It is totally against the law to flame any member or member of a allied club on the message board or anywhere else at HighTide. •level 2•

Law 2~CHAIN MAIL The last thing I want to get in the mail is chain mail. It slows me down when updating, and is just trash. •level 1•

Law 3~SPYING AND STARTING WAR If you do not have permission, then you have broken the law. War causes unneeded fighting. Even though we are vermin and goodbeasts, we still have some morals. This may only happen if I give you the okay •level 4•

Law 4~SWEARING AND ADULT TOPICS This will not be tolerated at HighTide. This club is a Redwall zone. That means I want everything going on here to be Redwall related with a Redwall atmosphere.•level 3 or 4•

Law 5~REBELLION OR TREACHERY When you join HighTide you are swearing loyalty. You may leave HighTide if you send me an E-mail saying you wish to do so. Rebellion and treachery reduces trust in the members and my trust in you. Depending on the extent, you may even lose you membership. •level 3 or 4•

The Law Levels*****
Level 1Loss of up to 10 coins
Level 2Loss of Rank
Level 3Loss of all rank and coins
Level 4Banished from HighTide for an amount of time
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