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Weather Wizards
You look out your window on a sunny morning and daydream about your after-school plans. You are making your own weather forecast as you plan to go to the park, play basketball, or go to practice. You base your forecast on your observations and your past experiences. Sometimes you might think you know what the weather will be like, but it changes.

Weather forecasts are important to many people. Discover for yourself how weather patterns are predicted and what you need to know to be able to predict the weather. Join us as we use real time Internet activities to investigate how meteorologists use what they know about atmosphere, temperature, air pressure, and humidity to predict the weather.

Weather Observation Activity Teacher Page Interpreting Real Time Data
Assessment Internet Resources Radar & Satellite Real Time Data
This page was created by Carmel Kostiuk and Myriam Smith of Lincoln Middle School in Passaic, New Jersey.
For additional information E-mail
This project was developed by participants in the ScienceLink Project coordinated by the staff of CIESE at Stevens Institute of Technology.