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Your Life
Timothy J. Ewing

Looking at the greatest things
Amazed by what creation brings
This topic may be broad and short
But it might help you in God's court

While you read my poem today
I just have one thing to say
If you are not saved by grace
Then you will never see His face

Jesus Christ gave up His life
So we would not have pain and strife
Satan's domain is not real nice
Considering you will pay the price

The horror and torment of this place
To see you there would be a big disgrace
Forever you will be cursed to live
God's love is the only thing He can give

His plan is simple, easy to know
All you have to do is go
To the Bible, the source the way
It tells us to trust and obey

Christ arose from the dead
But we can't get it in our head
Now all I can do is pray
That you will find the only way

To reach the place of God our King
And then we will forever sing
The praises that He receives
From everyone who always believes

You may think there's fun here now
But when you stand there and you bow
Remember what I have said
So you will not end up dead

The true fun comes from heaven above
Where God will always show us love
Make your choice and live it out
But if God says I don't know you don't whine and pout.

Copyright 2001

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