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Your Choice
Timothy J. Ewing

Many people think hell will be fun
A place to hang out with your friends
Party city with Satan himself
Full of awesome things and lots of wealth

Hey you, yes you, do you think this is true?
Do you think hell's the place for you?
If your answer is yes please listen to me
For you see, hell is not the place you want to be

Hell is a place of torment and pain for all eternity
Weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth is what hell will be
Fire and brimstone fill this bottomless pit of freight
You still think hell will be a place of delight?

Hey you, yes you, do you think this is true?
Do you think hell's the place for you?
If your answer is yes please listen to me
For you see, hell is not the place you want to be

Heaven is a place with mansions galore
Streets of gold and a whole lot more
A banquet of food provided by the King Himself
A place filled with precious jewels and a lot of wealth

No tears, pain, or death can be found in this place
A place provided through God's loving grace
A place of perfection prepared for you with love
By our Heavenly Father who dwells up above

Hey you, yes you, do you think this is true?
Do you still think hell's the place for you?
If your answer is yes please listen to me
For you see, hell is not the place you want to be

There was a man who came to earth to provide for us a way
To get to heaven where forever we will stay
All we have to do is trust Him to take us to that place
Where we will finally be able to see His face

His name is Jesus and He loves you, you see
In your heart He just wants to be
Accept the gift His love for you
He will stick by you in everything you do

Trust in Him, give Him your life
He'll bless you and help you through all of the strife
It's that simple, the only way to go
Then you are guaranteed to know

That heaven is your reward for trusting in Him today
A place He'll lead you to every step of the way
No longer are you destined to be
Cast into hell for all eternity

Hey you, yes you, do you think this is true?
Do you still think hell's the place for you?
If your answer is yes please listen to me
For you see, hell is not the place you want to be

Copyright 2001

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