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Timothy J. Ewing

I heard on the TV that two kids were shot dead
The reason was simply for some change to buy bread
I heard about a child who was beaten by his dad
These stories that I hear just make me so sad
How about the kid who OD'd on cocaine
Or those who committed suicide, who lost their life in vain
So many many stories with frightening results
The parents blame the kids and the kids blame the adults
We all need to take a stand for what we know is right
And take responsibility for our actions this very night
Don't let satan get a foothold on this earth
Instead proclaim to everyone about the Savior's birth
And tell of the love God has for each and everyone
Through the gift of Jesus His one and only Son
Who died upon a rugged cross to free us from our sin
Now when we battle satan we know we'll always win
Because He rose up from the grave He provided us a way
To go to heaven where forever we will stay
All we need to do is trust Him, can't we get that in our head
That's the simple truth; enough said.

Copyright 2001

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