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Questions From The Heart
Timothy J. Ewing

If I was mute, would I still praise your name?
If I was blind, would my faith stay the same?
If I was deaf, could I still hear your voice?
If this happed to me would I make the right choice?

If loving you was a crime, would I be dead?
Or would I give up on the Book I have always read?
Could I stand up for You when all is on the line?
Or would I reject You and make everything fine?

What would I do when problems come my way?
Would I cling to You oh Father, or be lead astray?
These questions fill my thoughts, a challenge to my heart
I put my hope in Your promise that we will never part

I live my life to serve You Lord you know my heart is true,
But sometimes I question the love I have for You
Should I be concerned with this struggle in my life?
Should I let it bother me and cause me all this strife?

Is my life pleasing in Your sight?
Am I truly devoted each and every night?
Search my heart and give me answers that I seek
For I know You are strong enough when I'm weak

Help me to trust you in good times and bad
In joy and happiness, even when I'm sad
Guide my life and make it pleasing in Your sight
Set my heart on fire for You this very night

Use me Father, let me do Your will each day
Fill my heart and use me in each and every way
Let me be a light in this world of sin and shame
Lord I love You and I praise Your holy name.

Copyright 2001

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