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Matthew 14:22-33

I'm the raging waves crashing against the boat
I'm very powerful I just have to gloat
I rush and roar causing all men to fear
However things changed this night when Jesus did appear

As He walked upon me things began to change
I felt overpowered and I felt awfully strange
My power slowly dwindled away
As Jesus raised His hand and began to say,

"Take courage and have no fear"
"Come out upon the water that I have made"
So Peter stepped off of the boat and on to me
His heart was happy and filled with glee

However, something changed and he began to sink
What's going on, I don't know what to think
Here was Jesus saying you of little faith in me
Why was it so hard for Peter to see?

This is Jesus, the creator, the king
He has power and authority over everything
He then got in the boat and told me to be still
I immediately obeyed, I wanted to do His will

What an amazing feeling being with Him that day
The disciples finally realized that He was the way
To freedom and peace never known before
Through all the love and compassion and a whole lot more.

Copyright 2001

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