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Timothy J. Ewing

Here I am He cries to you
Now what are you going to do?
There are two choices that you can see
That choice will determine where you'll be.

Are you going to answer the call?
Or do you think you alone can do it all?
Go ahead you make your choice
Listen closely to that little voice.

Follow me it quietly said
Then suddenly the voice went dead.
Follow who? I don't understand
Tell me this instance I demand.

Certainly the voice proudly said with glee
I'll tell you of a man that died for thee.
His love for you is very strong
Follow Him you can't go wrong.

Trust in Him to guide you through
He'll help you know just what to do.
Through thick and thin He'll be right there
Outside, inside, no matter where.

I have to go I've told you enough
You might think following Him is pretty rough.
But tough it out you'll make it through
He has a lot in store for you.

Excuse me sir who is this man?
I want to serve Him the best I can.
Jesus the voice whispered and the He was gone
I must find this Jesus before it is dawn.

What am I going to do, I don't know where to look?
What is this in my hand? It looks like a book.
Suddenly the voice entered loudly with cheer
For you see it is I that is here.

Copyright 2001

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