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Here I Am
Timothy J. Ewing

Why are you so blind that you cannot see
I'm right beside you please look at me

I begged and I pleaded but he didn't look
It was as if I received a right hook

It hurts me so much that he turned away
Maybe he'll turn around this very day

What can I do to show him My love
Could I give him a pony, a rabbit, or a dove?

Maybe he'd like a brand new car?
Or maybe he'd like to be a Hollywood star

I know what I have to do
To show him that my love is true

I'll give my life then he'll recognize
He'll understand as he looks into my eyes

Yes, Yes, now he's looking my way
I think he has something he wants to say

Excuse me for my rudeness, you're a true friend to me
I just wanted to enjoy life, stand tall, and be free

I'll free you from your worries, your burdens, and fears
I'll help you through heartaches and all of the tears

I'll take you to a place with mansions galore
No tears, pain, or sin and a whole lot more

You can come with me or you can stay
I want to go please show me the way

We better hurry we don't want to be late
There is no time to hesitate

Look, I can see it we're almost there
This is great, but it is not fair

I don't deserve this wonderful place
My life has been a big disgrace

Why did you let me come here today?
Because you have trusted me in every way

Here's your reward for true faith in Me
A place in heaven for all eternity

Copyright 2001

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