Soprano Music

Article in the Star Ledger: by M. Z. S
The typical soundtrack for Mafia movies and TV shows is a mix of usual suspects - Frank Sinatra,
Connie Francis and Dean Martin for that sense of history; the Rolling Stones, Eric Clapton and other '60's and '70's rock hits for that jagged, post-Woodstock, Scorsesean feel. The formula has become so ridid and predictable that there are now CD collections organized along similiar lines, with titles like "Mob Hits." When picking music, the mind behind "The Sopranos" decided to whack the rules and dump them in the Meadowlands. "Part of the philosophy on our show is,'This is a modern story, let's not do what's been done before,' " says co-producer Martin Bruestle, who, along with series creator David Chase, picks the lion's share of the music for "The Sopranos." Music from the show's first season and a couple of cuts from the second season are included n "The Sopranos: Music From The HBO Original Series," a cd taht hit stores a month ago. Songs include Sinatra's " It Was A Very Good Year," which backs a montage opening the season two premiere; Bruce Springsteen's "State Trooper,"which played over the closing credit's of last season's finale; Elvis Costello's "Complicated Shadows," Blood Is Thicker Than Water," performed by Wyclef Jean and C&B (The Product) and "Inside of Me" by "Sopranos" co-star Seven Van Znadt and his Disciples of Soul. Among the uts used on the show but not included on the CD: Jefferson Airplane's "White Rabbit" to suggest Tony's Prozac-addled dislocation, and "Tiny Tears" by the Tindersticks, for the attempt on Tony's life in Episode 11.
It's an eclectic mix - on purpose. Just as there's no common culture binding the senior
citizens (Livia and Uncle Junior), the baby boomers (Tony, Carmela) and the Generation Xers (Chris, Adriana), there is no single type of music that dominates "The Sopranos." The opening credits music, "Woke Up This Morning," announces the drama's revisionist taste in music. The raspy, staccato, industrial pop cut is a remix of a song by British group A3. "It was something David heard in his car while we were working on the pilot," Bruestle explains. "We consider a lot of music that we hear under thos cirumstances....If I'm in a restaurant and hear something I like, I'll go back in the kitchen and ask the cook what's playing."
"We do try to stay away from the tried-
and true," says Chase. "Some songs have been so overused that they're nearly been ruined. 'My Girl' is a beautiful, lifting song, but if I hear it one more time in a movie..." "Music is such a vital thing, but it's been so abused in the past 10 years," says Chase. "It's like a dog coming out of the screen and licking your face." The selection process isn't easy - and it gets more difficult with each passing month, as the profile of "The Sopranos" grows. "I have four bookcases of CD's in my office, and I get songs mailed to me daily for consideration on the show," says Bruestle. "I wish I could say there was some kind of predictable system for how songs end up on the air, but there isn't. We just go the with what strikes us."
