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James Iha

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James Iha, the guitarist of the band, hes kool, wierd, plays guitar good has kool hair (hence why he's called the Asian Cat). He has a cd out of his own called "Let it Come Down" which is good. His appearence can only be described acurately as Pumpkin. His presence definitely contributes to the music just as well as he fits the band's immage. He co writes some songs with billy, yet he's still overshadowed by him, and its not fair but i blame the media for it. cause without James the band would suck, just as it did with out jimmy and it will withough D'arcy. James kicks ass and we need to realize this more. Hes got pumpkin written all over him. hes kool. yeah. He's unique hes got a sense of darkness but inside like hes all kind and shit. odd combo. i like it, ive tried it, dont know if it works but hey. its definitely a pumpkin quality.