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How many of you out there have already found Scott Peterson guilty of murdering his wife Laci and unborn son, Connor?

From the beginning of this sad, tragic story I have, like millions of other viewers watched the escalating evidence pile up on Scott...and I have believed him innocent of these murders from day 1....

I also know how many countless ways or by his own actions he has made himself look guilty and just by hiding his affair with Amber Frey many have turned their backs on him...and there are others out there who say he never looked remorseful, but I say how can he look remorseful for something he had nothing to do with...and how many of us can cast that first stone?

Each one of us deals with grief differently...some cry, some scream, some keep their feelings to themselves privately... I feel that Scott was looked upon as the prime subject from the beginning of Laci's one was looking too far for anyone else who would have committed such a horrendous crime as the cheating husband...and the case which has been built up to taking it to the death penalty on a strand of hair found in pliers on Scott's boat...heaven help my husband if I am murdered, as my hair gets stuck on my glasses on a daily basis as i have a habit of putting my reading glasses on my head and when i pull them down i usually pull a strand if not more of hair along with them.... it's a wonder i'm not bald..

Over the years I have meditated on some cases and when Scott was arrested in April, 2003 for the murder of Laci and their unborn son Conner, I knew I had to find out exactly what happened so I went into a deep meditation and this is what I 'saw'....The following contents are my own impressions....

Laci was bending over a railing..there were a few steps up to a landing where she was standing and smiling over at Scott as she told him that they had to pick up... I believe it was cole slaw or a cake..something that began with a c to take to her mother's that evening...Scott told her he was going fishing which he didn't do of course..but he did go to the marina for a receipt which he would use for an alibi if he needed it...not for the police but for Laci...he actually had other things in mind...a sexual romp, to be exact....

after Scott left the house, Laci took their dog out for a walk...she was going down a dirt incline near or at the park when a hairy arm ( the hair on the arm was either light or whitish colored) came around from behind her and put a white hankerchief or some type of white cloth in front of her face that contained some type of chemical...Laci lost the leash as she succumbed to being knocked unconscious with the chemical...

This is as far as I wanted to go as I didn't want to get into the actual murder scene..i was about to have an angioplasty and 2 stents inserted and I was trying to keep my stress level down at the time...

But by 'seeing' the events unfold I knew that Scott was not the murderer...

And to this day, I keep abreast as to what this man is going through..not only to him, but his family and Laci's also...

There are quite a few facts that have been put by the wayside...

A year before Chandra Levy was found in a park, not in Modesto (coincidently where Scott and Laci lived and where the kidnapping took place) where she was originally from, but she was found mutilated and murdered also in May of 2002......and the murderer was never found...

Also a pregnant San Francisco woman... Evelyn Hernandez, was washed ashore near where Laci and Connor washed up also in July of 2002...the child was never found, but the woman also was mutilated.//again the case has never been solved....

there was also another case near Las Vegas where a young woman was washed ashore mutilated near the bay where Scott was accused of being...

Why was no one ever charged with these murders?

When Laci and Connor's bodies were found a suspect HAD to be arrested immediately as there was so much publicity about this case that the police would look bad that they had not arrested or had any idea who committed this a person would have to be arrested immediately and who else but the logical suspect..the husband...

What I believe transpired is this...and this is my own speculation...

Scott as a young healthy man needed to satisfy his sexual cravings...Laci, who I read that a friend of the Rocha family, Beth Bashaw 46, commented on Laci Peterson losing an ovary in childhood became pregnant and I believe she was afraid to have sex so close to Connor's birth..if she lost this baby, she may never have the chance again...

Some say that he wanted to start a new life with Amber..Amber had a daughter from a previous relationship, why would Scott kill his own son to begin a life with another man's child?

Now, Amber Frey's attorney, Gloria Alred, claims that if Amber knew he was married she never would have gotten involved with him...excuse me...but Ms. Alred, this was not the first time that Ms. Frey was involved with a married man and it wasn't long before she became seriously involved with serious that she just gave birth to a baby boy!

He made a mistake, maybe more than a few, but he is only human and a young man at that..but I don't believe he could have murdered his wife and unborn first son....

He dyed his avoid the press and undercover police and whoever else would want to get on the bandwagon...the same way most hollywood stars take to disguises so they can travel around unnoticed and not be swarmed by fans and onlookers...

He went to Mexico already since the disappearance and came back on his own..why did everyone think he was going to vanish this time?

And the bodies conviently showed up in the exact area where Scott had repeatedly said he had gone 'fishing' as the world listened over and over again as it was reported that Scott had gone fishing that day and exactly convienent for the real murderer to just 'happen' to leave the body in the same area....

I continue to watch every day as the trial unfolds and my prayers are with him...Mark Gregaros is a wonderful lawyer and I was so happy when I heard that he would be fighting for this man's life...

I can only hope that the real murderer is found and Scott can begin to heal... back to my home page