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The Wrong Decision

     Don't do it, don't go after the scream says the voice in your head. But of course, when someone is in trouble, it has always been you to come to the rescure and save them, and in this case, it seems like a little girl is in trouble.
     Going against your conscience, you start to the room where you heard the scream come from. As you approach the door you see the name "Abbigail" on the metal name plate that is on every door. There is no last name listed like on all the other doors, and this one seems to be a bit old than the other ones around you.
     No answer. You try the knocking again but you still get no response.
     "Is everything ok in there, I heard a scream," you say loud enough for anyone inside the room to have heard you. You go to open the door and find the door is open. Opening the door slowly you start to see the entry room of an dark suite.
     As you open the door the whole way, you see a little girl standing on a chair. She is wearing a tattered, old, worn gown. She looks up to you suddenly, frightening you. Her arms start to raise and suddenly snarling, she jumps at you as though she wishes to rush and kill you. As she starts to fall and rush towards you though, her head snaps back, and you can see a nouse around her neck, which has now killed her.
     Holy shit, what the hell is going on here. You quickly look around, panicking, and notice there is a pool of blood that resides over most of the floor, almost as if it were a reflecting pool. Scared out of your mind, you start to back out of the room, but you notice someone else is in the room. You see very fat man in a bloodied butchers aipron coming towards you from one of the side rooms off of the main entry room, which seems to be a dinning room now that you aren't distracted by the dead hanging girl.
     "Masts uive," he screams as he starts to charge towards you, weiling a very heavy looking axe.
     Fsck! Get the hell out of here!.
     Agreeing with the voice in your head, you turn towards the entrance, and start to run like hell down the hallway. Of course, in you frantic escape, you realize you are headed away from your room. You turn around to check, but the man is already running after you.
     Ahead, there is going to be a set of mirrors, find the fake ones and dive!
     You round the curve to the right in the hallway as you can hear the man screaming and pounding after you.
     Ahead you see mirrors on each side of the hallway, and see a set that doesn't appear to really be a mirror. The hallway also ends ahead, and there is a door that is open enough that you can see a giant metal bar hanging off the door, almost as if it were a lock.

The door!
The mirror on the right!