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Below are links that
will take you to a 
page that has examples
of graphicsI am 
willing and able to
make for your site. 
If you have graphics 
of your own, they 
must be mailed to me.

My graphics are
Copyrighted of 1998 
- 2000. If you want 
a graphic from my site,
you may ask me, by
E-mailing me, just 
click here. 
Some Graphics in this 
site also include 
ones I've practiced on 
just for fun. :)
They are copyrighted  
their respected companies 
such as ASCGames and  

Whitewolf studios.

Carlton L. Hurdle Jr.

On this site, I will 
explain my Web Design 

I am a Freelance Web 
and Graphics
Designer currently 
enrolled in Middlesex 
County College of 
Edison,and DeVry College
of Technology in
New Jersey. Getting a 
degree in HTML Design 
and Computer Science. 

On this site you will 
find examples on what 
I can do to help make 
your personal site grow, 
or business site grow. 
And already made Graphic 
Commisions I have done, 
as well as HTML 
based web sites. 
And useless stuff about me,  
click here for Page 2!

Web Design

I have experience in many different forms of Web Design, the most popular is HTML, but I also have knowledge in DHTML, Java Script, and XML. 

Currently I am self taught in these langauges and am expanding my knowledge by learning UNIX, Linux, Perl, and CGI. I am also learning alot of applications from MacroMedia and looking forward to learning more about "Cold Fusion", it looks interesting! Next Page!