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Jimmy Eat World News


As in we are going! Yes, finally we are getting the hell out of North America and seeing what the rest of the world thinks of us. We are planning to hit Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Czech. Rep. and other fine countries. The dates are being booked right now and we should have some confirmed dates to post very soon.


Come hang out with us in the heat at a Warped Tour date near you. Get your healthy dose of sun, ska, pop-punk, mosh pits, Ice T, bad tatoos, and Jimmy Eat World. Check the tour dates page for dates that we will be playing.

--Success with the Knife

We just wrapped up our time with the great band, No Knife. Thanks very much to those guys for such a great time. Also, thanks to all of you for coming to the shows and showing your support. And last but not least, thanks to Lazycain and Sarge for also playing with us. If you missed us this time around, you might be out of luck for a while. We don't have any plans to tour the states for the rest of the year. Hope to see you all in 2000! Photos of the trip soon to come on the photograph page.