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Kristen's More-Wonderful-Than-Her-Other-Four-Homepages Homepage!

Hey ppls! Check out my links, I'm constantly updating, and feel free to steal pics and info cause I don't have any way of stopping you. Plus, I stole it all, anyway =) Sorry about the pop-ups, I dunno how to get rid of them. Just don't close them until you leave my page and they won't pop up anymore.

Tina the Troubled Teen

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Don't forget to check back for new stuff of the month and added pages!


Links to my fav bands
My friends page!
Pics of my friends!
Random hotties
Jokes of the month of August '02!
Quotes of the month of August '02!
Interesting list of the month of August '02!
An assortment of poems
Original poems by me
Games for when you're bored
My opinions
All about me! (including pic)
Awards I've won!

You are the to come to my webpage since it was last updated.
