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Quite a few months ago, I received an email from a woman from Lodi telling me that she enjoyed my website and was thinking of starting one of her own. I liked this "chick" right away. She was showing immediate signs of insanity and a love for Lodi H.S. -- I invited her over for wine with Karen Tantillo, Pat Moore, Ginny Boggio and we watched old reunion movies

I mean - does it get any better than this?

Well she did start her own website and continued to collaborate with me on the crashing of reunions to take photos for the websites. Then we decided to take those Pietros' nights and "kick it up a notch" with this party May 19.

I wanted to publicly thank Jill Schmidig Donofrio for becoming a great friend (and not trying to deny it when asked) and becoming my partner in crime. And as I said Dom is worth every penny I paid for him...Thank you Dom!

Thanks also go out to Jimmy Paul 70, Jill Iacometta and Emil Newarski 72, Sarina Engel, Sandy Hildebrandt 74, Karen Tantillo 75 and Ginny Boggio for being our decorating committee and class contacts. If you would like to be a "contact" for your class -- please let me know -- more are needed.

A final thank you to all that attended

without you -- there is no party