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2002 Hidden Valley Closed Golf Classic

To view photographs of the Party at the Flat Brook Tap House click HERE.

To see the teams that participated in the 2002 Hidden Valley Closed click HERE

Rich Howse Chris Perrotta Phil Perrotta Steve Bennet Nancy Howes John Paulovich Frank Messina Charles Garland Denise Jones John Whiting Buffy Whiting Annie Muniz Rick Hyer 'Super G' Hawkins Stephanie Arendarski Bud Karsten Brenda Agamie Jim 'Jimbo' Paulovich Tom VanHerwarde Deb Capo Jack Powers Jack McCarren John Parak George Aspinall Volkmar Bernhardt Gerry Higgins Patty Backman Dave Turner Jim Backman John Resch Andrea Brillaud Rick Hyer Mrs Wasilchak John Osarczsuk Harry Wasilchak

Note: To identify the golfer by name place the cursor on the head of the individual golfer in the photograph.

  John Whiting Buffy Whiting Denise Jones Patrick Jones

2002 Champions: John & Buffy Whiting & Denise & Patrick Jones

The 2002 Hidden Valley Closed Golfers

Team Backman

Team Paulovich

Team Whiting/Jones - 2002 Champs

The McCarren Team

Team Bud

Team Howes.  Where is John? 

Team Hawkins

Team Messina

Team Flat Brook Tap House

Team Osarczsuk


Go to Photos of the Party at the Flat Brook Tap House

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