Ballard Ricci
Ballard Ricci
Hammonton, NJ
: Custom Software Design, AutoCAD/Data integration
CAD, VB Prog., A.A., Music
Cassette Tapes Available
Principal Instrument: Guitar
Click on Link below for my NEW WEBPAGE
Welcome to my pageWelcome to my page. Here is how you can get in touch with me. (above)
If there's a problem with my mail try this: 
My AOL, Yahoo, and MSN Instant Message name is: Ballard221
Music types available:
. Classical/Rock Fusion.
. Progressive.
. New Wave (punk?).
. Ambient/Meditation.
. Experimental.
Click here to Play some Music files
C.A.D. work previously done:
. Architectural, Civil/Site Plan,
. Mechanical (ortho, iso, 3D, Solid modeling), Exploded assembly detail, etc.Database Software Previously Designed: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Click here for More PIX
. Hospital E.R. Data Tracking. Touch Screen.
. Physician Credentialing Data Tracking, Reporting.
. Pawn Broker Program, Pawn Ticket Generation, Time Tracking, Annual Fin. Summary
. Metallurgical Lab Analysis Database, Reporting, Invoicing, Bar Code Scanning
. CAD/Data integration, Form Fill out from Site Maps for US Navy on base housing,
. Haz.Mat. tracking and Removal w. Manual text Look-up from floor plan drawings, etc.
Click here for Pictures of my Old Band Havoc.