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~Cauri's Main Page~

Thanks for stopping by my little home here on the web...This site is majorly under construction right now, but if you reach down deep inside of you somewhere and pull out just a teensy bit of extra patience, I'd reeeeeally appreciate it!

~If you would like to contribute in any way to any of my pages, please e-mail me, and I will gladly accept any suggestions or links to your homepages~

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Hope your enjoyed your visit!

~Created: Friday, July 9, 1999~

~Last updated: Sunday, July 01, 2001~

~Most recent modifications: Cauri's Poetry Corner

~Cauri's Poetry Corner~|~My RPG Characters~|~My Cat~|~My Pictures~|~Vegeterians~|~Your Views~|~Guestbook~|~My Entrance~
