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New Jersey From the mind of Joe Zamecki, Atheist Activist and American
"Banish me from eden if you will,
~~Was A Blast!~~ ~~Click Here To Watch and Listen to it! ~~Thanks to those involved!~~ abandon Christianity: Pastors BEATING children!...AGAIN!! Emergency Medical Personel! Sundays at 6:30pm EST on WBAI Radio 99.5 FM in NYC/NJ/CT Has released its 2001 Survey on Religion in America, and guess what? Secularism in America is on the RISE! :o) Click here to see the survey results. Click Here For Pics!~ ~Thanks To Democrats.com & All The Rest!~ A Success! Click Here for Pics! :o) Religion-Tax! on The Day That Counts! July 17, 2001! We Were There! A Big Success!(of course!) Click Here for Pics and Report A Complete Success!!~~ ~~Click Here for Pics and Report!~~ Meets Monthly in Manhattan Last Sunday of Each Month e-mail Josh Karpf at: jkarpf@echonyc.com for more info~~ a Success!~ click here to see the pic and report. Click here for pictures!! 32 Atheists/Freethinkers and two Green Party Candidates Made it an Awesome Event!~~~ ~~Now on the air in Elizabeth, New Jersey~~ ~~Cablevision Channel 70~~Tuesdays at 6:30PM!!~~ *Cranford, New Jersey* Click here to read about how it went (great!) Now with Pictures! A BIG SUCCESS!!! Click here for report and pics! *****Rally!***** (Click here for pictures) About fifty(50) Freethinkers crowded into the banquet room of Jersey Jim's to meet other Freethinkers, to eat a great brunch, and to learn a little about Christmas, the Solstices, and information about local Atheist group activism. American Atheists Contributing Writer/Editor Conrad Goeringer spoke at this brunch about the real origins of Christmas and the history of the celebration of the Solstices.:) The food was great, and we had plenty of room to relax. We were surprised at the fantastic turnout, and I'm currently working out the social events calendar for 2000 for Union County Atheists. If anyone has any suggestions for party themes or anything else we can get into our calendar, please let me know. I'd like to thank Dave Silverman for helping me organize and advertise this event. Also, of course I thank Conrad Goeringer for delivering a very informative talk. It was very well received and appreciated. I'd also like to thank Ron Barrier for advertising this to Freethinkers in New York City and then bringing a few of them. Also, the staff at Jersey Jim's should be thanked. The food was excellent, and the service as well. I'm so glad we did this. I still say we should petition the US Government to recognize the Winter Solstice as an official holiday. Then maybe the Summer Solstice, and the two equinoxes. Few other recognized holidays celebrate a real, natural event that affects all life on Earth. To everyone who came out, once again, thank you! Click here to see pictures from the picket! Oct 2, 1999 to picket the Promise Keepers conference taking place there. It was great. We got there right at 11:00am, and set up. There were very few PKs around, because they were all inside the arena having a conference of some kind. Then about 11:30 the doors to the arena opened, and thousands of PKs spilled out into the parking lots. We were behind a fence on one side of us, and barriers on the other side, in a designated demonstration area laid out by the Meadowlands security.It was a great spot because we weren't too close to the arena, or too far away. But we were definitely visible. Slowly they began to engage us in conversation; very light-hearted conversation. Soon they had all come out of the arena. It was lunchtime, and they were eating box lunches by the thousands. By noon, there were thousands of PK men and boys in the parking lot areas, and our designated demonstration area was literally surrounded by PKs. Every one of our people had their own group of PKs huddled around them, soaking up our message. Most of them seemed genuinely curious about us, many of them saying they had never met anyone like us. Only a few PKs got very excited and irate. The vast majority of them were polite and reserved. But a few of the varied dialogues got heated. Security kept a watchful eye, stationing at least a dozen uniformed and plain-clothes officers nearby. Our people were the center of a great deal of attention. By 1:00pm several PKs were telling the PKs arguing with us that it was time to go back inside. Most said a polite good-bye, and turned to go back inside, but many PKs stayed and lingered with us. I met several very kind a curious PKs. I shook several hands and exchanged many smiles. Our people made a point of being positive about our protest, and I think the PKs noticed that. The only time I heard anyone saying that Atheists were angry people, was when the loudest PK was getting angry himself. His co-horts seemed to ignore him, until his veins were becoming more visible. Thankfully, since we were surrounded by a great number of them, no incidents took place. By 2:00pm,the vast majority of PKs had gone inside again, and we were all hoarse and tired. I had no idea they were going to have their lunch in the parking lot of the arena right when we were going to be there, but because of that, it worked out perfectly.
At this PK picket, I'm confident that every single PK learned of our Some of the picket signs we used include:
Keep Religion a Choice, Not a Law
I'd like to thank everyone Congressional Chaplains and Their Hefty Paychecks! heard about the salaries of the two chaplains working in the US Congress. So I wrote to both of them. They both responded, but in very different ways. Dr. James D. Ford was the House Chaplain at the time. I wrote him the following letter: Dr. James D. Ford Dr. Ford, I am researching certain parts of our government. I need to know your exact total Once again, this is all the information I need If this is directed to the wrong office, could you please forward this letter to the right office? Thank you very much, own letterhead. He merely wrote the word "Correct." on MY letter and mailed it back to me. He wrote that just after the last word in the second paragraph, verifying that he makes $123,000.00/year. Next I wrote virtually United States Senate Dear Mr. Zamecki: Thank you for writing with questions about the Senate Chaplaincy. The Senate Chaplaincy is non-sectarian and non-partisan. In response to your questions regarding our Faithfully, was correct. My earlier estimate of Dr. Ogilvie's salary was approx. $135,000.00. Naturally, the Senate Chaplain makes slightly more than the House Chaplain. What I find truly remarkable is the amount of those salaries. We all know our Congress has traditionally made some of the largest and most embarassing mistakes out of all of the US Government. It would stand to reason that either having two chaplains on duty hasn't helped, or it has actually hurt the situation. Either way, paying Congressional Chaplains is a blatant violation of state/church separation, and a rather hypocritical one at that. Dr. Ogilvie implies in his letter that all Americans agree with God's will because that's what we want our representatives to use as a guide in their work. Dr. Ogilvie couldn't be more wrong. As a tax-payer, it angers me that our government, which isn't exactly famous for being thrifty, pays these two men very well, for what is essentially an unecessary job. Certianly we have Congresspersons of many different religions, maybe even a closet Atheist or two. Just like any unlawful display of majoritarian religious icons in public places is wrong, paying these gentlemen exorbitant salaries to violate the Constitution every day is also wrong.
![]() The Infidel Guy Real Audio Show A Short History of Pat Robertson's Christian Coalition ![]() This GIAM Webring site is owned byJoe Zamecki. [ Previous | Random Site | Next | List Sites ]
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