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Hello All, This is going to be a more interesting page once the game is complete and we can all look back at this and laugh! (I hope.) Here I will give updates as often as I can remember to, about the progress of the game's developement. Maybe they will be a benefit to other developers, and I know they will be a benefit to me when I begin programming Eldantar, the sequel to Deephome.

August 17, 1999

August 18, 1999

August 19, 1999

August 20-Sept 1, 1999 September 4th September 12th September 14th September 20th September 24th
September 26, 1999
December 7, 1999 (7:34 PM)
December 8-9, 1999 (7:34 PM)
December 10, 1999 Back to the Main Page