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Hello hello hello! In case you've stumbled upon this page, you've reached some of my older updates, which have been moved here cos I need some room for a webring or two. Read and be nostalgic...

August Updates:

8/29: Don't hurt me. I swear I've wanted to update, but I was...detained. I've been busy catching up with some friends, visiting my not-so-well short, I was kept away from my beloved site. ^_^
Important Notice! Listen up, as of this coming weekend I'm not going to have a computer... **shudder** ((I will be strong. I will be strong.)) My sister is taking her things up to college this weekend, whcih include this very computer. I'm not entirely sure how long it will take to get a new one. I'll try and go to the library as much as possible to update--I'll be getting a job there this fall (hopefully). Farewell, farewell. Parting is such sweet sorrow. Till we meet again!----Jess

8/14: Okay...I'm almost done here...I've completely cleaned out the second rocketship page...I just need to put on the finishing touches. I'm really proud of it, I put alot of work into it..a lot of..thinking..perhaps that school thing is rubbing off on me..hmmm. Anyways, don't just stand there, click to blast off to da rocketshipper haven!
Okay, next up: I'm not really sure what to do yet, but I'm definately going to tackle one more big project before school starts. After that, I think I'll have to cut down updates to once or twice a month. :( I'm not giving up this site forever though, I still have a 2nd anniversary (September 18!!) to celebrate, so you haven;t seen the last of me. ^_^ Ttyl!-----Jess

8/13:Whasssup?!!? Umm, hello. Sorry for not updating--actually, I HAVE been updating, I just never wrote about it. *sigh* I'm very tired...Well, umm, anyways, you know how I said I'd close the shippy pages for only 2 days. I lied. **snickers, hears booes and hisses from the crowd** Oh, okay, not funny. Shutting up. Actually I've managed to fi about 85% of the first page, all I've got to do is tackle the Holy matrimony pics (they're buried in the webshell somewhere) and it'll be all good. I'm going to finish that up today and open the page up before tomorrow. I highly reccommend checking it out, I added some info and it loks quite nice. (Please?)
Ahh, next project:Now that the first pge is done...the second page needs desperate work. I don't even WANT to look at it yet. Okay, well I'll be on my way. Bye! --Jess PS: Vote for Me!!

July Updates:

7/30:Birthday wishes tomorrow for Mr. H. Potter, The Cupboard Under the Stairs, Little Whinging, Surrey. ^_^ Heehee, just being facetious...Well, the picture page is finally up and running again. Check it out here!
Well, I have some bad news--I (or anyone else I've talked to, for that matter) can't seem to gain access to, where some people's fics are eagerly awaiting a cut-an-apste onto my page. Not happening, which brings me to my next project: The Rocketshipping page. Because that section seems to be a sort of "in demand" manditory feature on a person's TR site, I promise not to leave it under construction for too long. I'll start on it when I can and be done in less than 48 hours. Till then, August awaits us all...**shivers** --Jess PS: Vote for Me!!

7/27: Hey hey!! The "Meet the Team" section has gotten a totally new look! All of the pictures are complete. Check it out! The picture page is currently unavailable and I'm really not sure when I'm going to be able to fix it all up, cos I'm not excatly sure what I want to do with it. 3rdly, my friends JessieofTR and Mewwie are going to submit several fanfics to my site!! Yay!! I'll try to get a fic section up-and-running in the next 2 weeks. The problem I have is that I'm not excatly sure how I should put the stories on my site--should I upload or cut-and-paste? (?_?)After that, I'm definately gonna tackle the shipper pages--there so messy and disorganized!!! All righty, I'll try to get to work soon. --Jess PS: Vote for Me!!

7/25: Wow wow wow!!! I've done soo much work today...I started a whole new folder in my Webshell, and it's filled with a buncha new pictures. Yay! Ohh man, I have taken a good long look at this site and it is a MESS. I'll probably be closing down the "Meet the Team" section soon, that's the first page up for remodeling---all the piccies are screwed up...(grrr)I noticed that I've been getting lotsa hits lately...yet, no one signs the guest book. :( Jess is sad. Jess is very sad now. I *was* gonna tell ya about the fanfics---but nooo, no one cares. (Just Kidding!!) LOL I'll live. ttyl and a very happy birthday to my older sis today! --Jess

7/14: Hello, hello hello! Hey, who's the freak with the Comet Cursor...oh wait, was it me in a state of total idiocy, perhaps? Damn, I just finished looking through the page. It's a mess!! Gave a *huge* update to the next page, changing the disclaimer,intro...etc, etc. I also gave a little title-thingy to the menu, because you could never access the "Meet the Team" page at first. I'm tired. I slept in a tent last night. In the cold. It's hard for me to explain simple things like my menu. Just go in, and look at it! --Jess :)

7/4: Happy 225th Birthday to the U.S. of A.!! Nothing much to update except...**blushes** I know this site has nothing whatsoever to do with Joaquin Phoenix (known for his brilliant performance in movies such as Quills, The Yards, and of course Gladiator) ...but I thought I'd shown my deep obsess--er, respect for him on my page!! See the pretty comet cursor?? You dont? Ohhh. But besides, no one ever goes here... Ah, well. For now, this is Jess, signing off!


6/15: Hmm, what's my excuse for not updating in almost 2 months this time? Umm,. my goldfish died...actually I don't even have a goldfish. There was nothing much to ever elaborate on...I never have any contributions to this site (you know, like FANFICS *hint-hint*) soo I just make it look pretty, hee-hee. Updated the episode list...and maybe, just maybe, this summer I'll tackle an ep. guide. Contributons/Summaries will be accepted and credited with great pleasure!


5/18: Hello hello to all! Oh my God, even if you guys haven';t been keeping up on Pokemon Johto, I highly recommend tuning in this Saturday for didn't expect. I'm most of you know what's going to happen, but I won't spoil it for those who don't. Pray for some shippyness though--if you've seen the preview, you'll notice that James is taking charge for once!! Could be cute! ^_^ Updated the Butch/Cassidy section...check it out for something...scary. Signing out--Jess

5/4: Well, I fixed up alot of stuff on the site---check out the cute "1000 hits" marquee on the next page! My sister's home from college and we're using her *much faster* computer (yay!), and all's right with the world! Aanyways...I never realized how many broken pictures I had! I'm planning on giving "Meet The Team" a new look and fixing all the pictures on the Conspiracy Theories section. Until then, the new captions in the TR Photo Album should hold you over...for about 30 seconds...

5/02:Happy Birthday to me...I'm 1.5 decades old!! Whooh! Uhmm, I know there has been a major lack of update, but I do have my reasoning. As one of my Lenten promises, I gave up going to/updating my site...and after Easter, I didn't have any time on my hands b/c my spring break came before Easter. Plus, my computer's been on the fritz, it's like 45 years know what I mean. And school! School! Oh, these be trying times...
But I can promise you that I'll do my best for "Operation: Spring Cleaning." I'm just doing a routine check right now, and I'm finding a lot of messes. I'll try to check back this weekend. Hasta luego!--Jess

2/12:Okay, if you're not satisfyed with the sweet title I've got up there, i don't know *what* to tell you! I haven't got any feedback on the new colors, so I'm under the assumption everyone likes it. Next project I'm tackling is possibly a new banner, but I'm still juggling ideas. Happy Valentines Day, everyone! (fakes a smile..(I hate that day.)) Jess

2/7: Go see the new background on the next page!!! It is sooo pretty! Made an adjustment to the "Meet the Team Page" adding a cool background and fixing/adding some pictures. I'm making my way through the entire page, sweeping and cleaning'll notice that black backgrounds won't really be around as's too...gothic. But, if you liked black better, do tell me so. Thanks! --Jess

2/5/01:Hello there! Pretty background color, no? Sooo pretty..okay, I'm okay. Not much of an update, but I am currently working on a lovely little episode guide. Speaking of, I really liked that Charizard ep! Finally, the thing is gone! Whahaha, now TYR can't lose! **gets extremely hopeful** Fixed up the songs too. Next update will prolly just be some spring cleaning...**looks around** but, what needs fixing here?---Jess

1/3/01:Happy New Year!!! Yes, I know, lack of update. Again, not much changed. I took down all the CHristmas-y stuff and changed the music around a bit. FIxed up the P2K page, just adding the lengend. Perhaps I will start on the episodes, since, for some strange reason, they don't show new ones. WInter break, I suppose. Ah well. ---Jess

12/5:Jess has WAAAAAY too much time on her hands! Word of advice---go see the new pic!!!! There is a shippy pic up on the next page, courtesy of RocketAngel!! Thankies thankies thankies!! Got some email from someone, saying she told all of her friends about my site--thankies thankies to that girl too! I have much to be thankful for... :) Uhmm...again, I'll try to work on something after Christmas...don't know what else to with a suggestion...if you want.

12/4:Feliz Diciembre! Another page added to The "Fun STuff"'s a "Things Never Said on Pokemon" didn't take much effort so I guarantee it's not too original! Oh! I added my site to like 30 different search engines, courtesy of! Hope to get some hits soon...yep...any minute now... Heh heh heh...Up next? Maybe some more humor in the fun stuff section...and those darned episode guide! Augh!!---Jess

11/29:OMG! I....UPDATED! Added more music, and fixed up the "Fun Stuff" section...cept for Kel's essay, of course. It's the one thing I wish to leave as her property...*sigh* Added the newest episodes to Da List...and...I fixed up the quotes on the P2K page, since, you know, I got the MOVIE with me!! Oh yeah! Heehee...uhh Happy December, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO KELLY!---Jess

11/26:I know, I'm just batting a thousand with these updates. Not much has changed content-wise, but open you ears and hear the music! Let it Snow, Let it snow, for the love of Pete, let it freaking snow! We're gettin rain here in Jersey! Anyways, I added music to alot of the pages, and be sure to visit the "Christmas Shopping" page in the Silly Stuff section for some holiday cheer. Happy Holidays! --Jess

10/16:I know, I know, no update. Character profiles are completely done for now....Tracey's was added, and Brock's, Gary's, Nurse Joy's and Officer Jenny's profiles were modified as the Johto Journeys are starting up. I saw the two most recent episodes:Rival Revival and Don't Touch That 'dile. Brock's back, Tracey's gone, and these new eps give me a better chance to find new shippyness...and new pokemon too! Change is a good thing. --Jess

9/20:Two consecutive updates?! We may set a world record! A new link in the Link Box ...and ...check out the next page!! NEW MENU! WHOOH! Okay, I'm okay. Well, I'm running short on time...I gotta fly!!

9/19:Whoohoo! Got lots of new treat for you all, but first--HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ROCKET REALM! Dat's right, it was one year ago yesterday that our site was born!! I left the first update down there for you to see. Anyway. I added a new page to the site, the episode list. Be warned, no descriptions are up. They wont come for a long time...also, the welcome page has a new look(all I did was un-center the links) and I edited the opening message. I really want to change the forat, adding frames and pics, but I have no clue how!! Ah well. Until then.

9/6:Prison--er, school, rather--started for me today..well technically, it was my orientation day...really it starts the 11th... I'll have a four-day weekend, and them I'm locked away for 10 months. OMG! It's almost our birthday! On September 18! I almost forgot!! Anyway...I added two more Links to the Rocket Links page. If I get around to it, I'll try and fix up Tracey's profile. But I'm not exactly sure. Oh, and I've recently seen commercials for Pokemon Live. I think the Giovanni guy is cool. Ohh, I wish I could go, to see if TR is in it! That would seriously kick ***! Oh well. BTW, I recently purchased the P2K's pretty good. Westlife's song "Flying w/out Wings" is so shippy it brought tears to my eyes!! *sniff* It's good overall. Well, I best be going. If I fail to update, it's prolly because of school (shudder)...Kelly and I wish y'all a happy autumn!! ---Jess

8/25:I love updating. I gave Ash, Misty and Brock stronger profiles, Tracey and the others will follow soopn. Finally, finally, I fixed those darned things!!! I'm soo happy! Nothing else has really been added, I think I fixed up the "20 Torture Methods" on the "Silly Stuff" section...but that's it. OoooH! We're supposed to get another Orange Island ep this Saturday...CoooOOOooooL! Forgive me, I'm a little high on caffeine!! ----Jess

8/22:I updated the "Meet the Team" is updated with a totally new look! I spent a long time on it, creating a 90-second life story type of thing with the pictures. Pretty cool, huh? Go! Go visit it! Heh heh..

8/18:Picture Page was sucessfully updated. I took away some Ash and company pics (since the theme is "TR's Photo Album") but added some funnier ones too. I changed some captions, added more recent pictures...that's about it. Next project is defiantely going to be those profiles. I swear...I'll get to them...heh heh...

8/9:Added a P2K movie review, pictures and quotes to come! Also, The Rocket Rant is back up, only under a different name--"Conspiracy Theories" I call it. Music is down again, should be back up in Autumn. Very short update for now...see what I can do next week...prolly work on those damned profiles...pardon my french. Bye for now... Jess.

8/4:It's a miracle! I've been able to update!! Kel and I are changing the rants page...we're adding things, deleting things, editing it is temporarily unavailable! It should be up and running by next week. The next project will be revising the "enemy profile, making them more like Jess and James'. And yes, Meowth *will* get a profile, I *promise*!! For now, this is always has been too. :)

8/1:I know, I know, I haven't updated the page...yadda yadda..added a new section, the Link Box, if you will...And..Kelly's back! YaY! She has a brand spanking new that's a relief for me...perhaps she can take over on some of the work I've been doing... Eeenyways...Yes, yes, I saw P2K on opening day...what can I say? It kicked butt, it was hilarious and made MSB look like a joke...I'll work on a review and add it to the "Cartoon to Cinema" section. Edited the r-shipper pages a bit and thinking about combining them into one. That's about it..and by the way, I'll be trying to update at least once every 2 weeks, if I'm lucky--since school's starting up again I'll be busy most of this month and when schools stats there's no telling whe I'll have on-line time. Till then, this is Jess signing off.

7/7:I cant believe that in 2 months this page'll be up for a year! I added some more info to the second shipper page, and I think it's done for now. Up next for the realm will probably be an episode guide and a bookcase(fanfics...) but that wont come for awhile..not until after August.... That's right, I'm taking a little break from the page. By the way, Kelly can no longer work on the page;her AOL account was terminated. But in memory, this page will still remain Jess and Kelly's Rocket Realm! That's right!

6/24:Hey hey hey! A few things have changed: I've done some major updated on the second Rocketshipper page, which is now up and running. Does anyone ver go to this site? That's it for now, maybe I'll update the r-shipper section some more.

6/21--School's been out since the 9th, and since then, I've worked on a second r-shipper page, changed some music, and fixed up the banner...BTW, click on "Come in!" to enter the more banner clicking... I've added a bunch of new rants on the Rocket Rant page..and GUESS WHAT! We're #1 on TR's Top 25..I don't even know how it happened...Thank-you guys for your support! I better go b4 I start to cry! ---Jess

6/5:I suck at updating, don't I?? Well, nothing has really been done to the site....I'm just so busy these days. But I plan on TRYING to fix the music problem and adding a second R-shipper page! If you think this site needs anything, or has any problems, PLEASE e-mail me! DONT be shy!! Well, I gtg. Sorry for not taking care of this site. --J

5/5: Oh yeah, I..ah..haven't updated in a while, huh? Heh heh...well, lessee...this weekend there's going to be a new episode...not sure of the title(duh) I finally got my banner fixed! YES! There are someproblems with the music, however. Some pages here will have music but others, uh, don't. That's because I didn't download them all, I copied some (Sorry!) and when the sites closed down, so did my copied songs. The songs that play are the downloaded ones. I apologize! Hmm, what else? Oh yeah! Happy Birthday to me, Jess!!! I have sucessfully survived the earth for fourteen years!! Whooh! And that mean lots of gifts too! I got MSB on video plus the J and J dolls! YaY! Oh, dear..enough about me... alright maybe next week I'll update more! Bye for now---Jess

3/28:Okay, I created Jessie's profile, found on the "Meet The Team" page, convinced someone to sign the guestbook/votefor our site, and labeled some more pictures on the Meet the Team Page. I also fixed the colors on B/C's page....and don't worry, James and Meowth's profiles will be up and running soon. Oh, can anyone think of a song that fits Jessie's personality? If so...drop me/Kelly a line, K? Don't be shy, we won't bite your head off! Whew. Ok, GTG! Jess

3/24: Hee-hee I love the internet. I'm really supposed to be researching welfare...yeah, rrrriiight......well, I've decided to stay with Angelfire, althought the pic still doesn't work. Hey, didja hear? Holy Matrimony came out on one of those vidoes! Speaking of, as we all know, MSB is out in stores too! Whooh! Too bad for Jess: No VCR... *begins to sadly cry* Oh well... seeya around! *sniff sniff* ---Jess

3/12: Oh no...*Looks quickly at calendar*--AH! Haven't you all heard? We changed! We're no longer the Freaky Poke-Page!! Introducing---The Rocket Realm!! *evil music* Yes, there is currently a banner for the page, but I do not know how to get the white BG out of the way!!! Grrrr..... well, anyway..check it out! Go on, click-y the banner--isn't it purdy? I made it myself...

12/20:Hey there! Revised the "Gripes" page---turned it into a episode guide thing-y. Ummm...not much accomplishment here....however, the meanies at mt prison (AKA school) are makin us stay till thursdasy, so, I'm going to be able to update for awhile. Meanwhile, Kelly will being on vacation.......3,000 miles away from Jerzay!!! GRR! SO, that leaves me the one stuck w/ resurectting this page. Y'all who come here BEST be signing the GB!!! Or else We be coming after ya! J/k---Jess

9/20: Jess here! Page two is finished up! Whooh! I was detained from working as fast as I usually do b/c I sprained my wrist and it's in this mini-cast so I type like a goof-and-a-half. Since I have off from school, I certainly do hope I can get together w/my partner Kelly. We plan on adding a guestbook soon. Well I gotta get to work. Hopefully by tomorrow Page3 will be done. ~~Jessie

9/18:Our page was officially born!! Yay! Today we created the main page, then 3 additional pages and made links to them. We've got it all planned out, but this site is still under major construction. SeeYa! ~~J/K

Song--Let It Snow