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welcome, stranger.

i'll take your hat, your coat,
and you can put your shoes in the corner.
in other words, make yourself at home.

choose a category from below
and prepare to be enlightened.

fEaTuReD fRiEnD: Edward Gorey enter the world of magic that only could be created by a man of such creativity and wit. LiNkS a list of on-line 'zines, musical interests, clothing, and other cool sites. aBoUt ThIs AnD mYsELf well, if you really HAVE to know... please feel free to send me comments, suggestions, artwork, or anything you feel you would like to contribute to my humble web page.

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copyright 1998 by sara. if you have a problem with anything on this web site, please e-mail me. i am willing to change things.


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girl 'zine links grrl gurl chickclick bust edward gorey style fashion alice in wonderland words of wisdom girlie girly cool site clothes feminism riot grrls girls nerds thrift store swing drawings artwork submit guest book messages fun slackers sara zero fun cool loving this is my first web page yay so cool if anyone is reading this right now, you are really weird cuz this is just something i threw in you are queer. tell your friends about your sorry ass.