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Ozone Generators and Air Purifiers
Air-Zone Ozone Generators & Air Purifiers
for Professional & Home Use
Perfect for a bedroom or officeHigh Power - Multi Use - Remote Control convenience !KILL MOLD with our High Powered Ozone Machines!Extremely High Ozone Output!  Perfect For Professional Applications!  Zero Nitrogen Oxides!Ozone is the worlds best water purifier!
What is Ozone?
How to Purify Air with Ozone
High Ozone Shock Treatments
Questions About Ozone
What's Wrong with Ionization?
Air Purifier and 
Ozone Generator 
Brand Comparisons 
Kill Mold with Ozone
Uses For Ozone
How To Use Ozone
 What Size Ozone Machine
Do I Need?
 Austin Air Filters
True HEPA for dust control
 Is Ozone Safe?
 Ozone Bacterial and
Mold Killing Studies
 Warranty Information
Do you want mountain clean air like this in your own home?
Read Why Air-Zone Ozone Generators are the Best!
Click Here to learn why ours is a REAL warranty!
Help kill bacteria caused by Sick Building Syndrome
Air-Zone  offers a full line of the most advanced, high tech, professional 
Ozone Generators that are very powerful tools used for Air Purification,
Mold & Odor Control, and Bacterial Sterilization. 
Air-Zone Ozone Generators are being used with great success for odor and mold removal in homes, offices, motel rooms, basements, cars, boats, as well as fire & flood restorations. 
They are very effective tools that remove mold, smoke, pet, and many other stubborn odors.

Thnousands of times more powerful than simple ionizers, which cannot possibly kill substantial amounts of bacteria, OZONE helps kill bacteria, viruses, and mold spores.

Much more than mere air filters, our machines actually eliminate the bacterial source of the odor.

Our Patented Modular Ozone Generator Elements produce no nitrogen oxides that are far superior than the primitive screen and glass ozone generation "plate" technology used by most manufacturers.


Remember the ONLY way to compare ozone generators, ionizers or air purifiers
is by the total output in milligrams per hour. (

Square footage ratings by other manufacturers are COMPLETELY MEANINGLESS!
It is the total ozone output in milligrams per hour that counts!

How can a manufacturer give you a square footage rating 
when they don't even know what your contamination level is?

Click Here to learn more about ozone generator sizing.

Our state of the art machines set the new standard for the industry.  We offer the best machines in the business that offer the most ozone for the dollar. All our machines feature built in timers.

Air-Zone Ozone Generators use a patented form of corona discharge that works much better than UV Ultraviolet bulbs.  Click Here to read where General Electric states that Ultraviolet Light and UV bulbs do not kill mold.

Why pay more money for primitive, outdated technology and less ozone?

CLICK HERE to see all our models!

With prices at less than half of our competitors, 
no one gives you a better value for your ozone dollar than 

Ozone Generators and Air Purifiers

Ozone helps destroy, not just cover up odors
Household Odors
Indoor Air Pollution
Fire & Flood Restorations
Mold & Mildew
Hotel / Motel Rooms
New Carpet Fumes
Smoking Lounges
Pet Odors
Boat Bilge Odors
Chemical Fumes
Garbage Areas
Auto Restorations

Air-Zone Ozone Generators are by far the best air purifiers, and odor removers available today. 
Air filters, ionizers, or other air cleaning devices cannot match the air purification ability of a true ozone generator.  By destroying the source of odor, rather than filtering the air, ozone naturally makes the air smell fresher.

Powerful enough to tackle the strongest odors, OZONE is natures method of disinfection. 

Air-Zone Ozone Generators are also powerful enough to do High Ozone Shock Treatments of unoccupied areas, and are capable of disinfecting areas of mold, and bacteria.

What is Ozone?

Air-Zone ozone generators help eliminate odors
by attacking them at the source.

As shown in the diagram above, simple Oxygen molecules known as O2, can be turned into Ozone, O3, by the introduction of the high voltage electrical charge given by an Air-Zone Ozone Generator.

Ozone is considered an unstable gas, meaning it cannot exist for more than a very short time.

Very soon after it is formed, nature forces the third oxygen atom of Ozone to break free, and oxidize bacteria, viruses and pollutants.

Bacteria, viruses, and mold are all destroyed by this process.

All that remains after reactions with ozone are the harmless compounds of pure oxygen (O2), carbon dioxide (CO2), and hydrogen (H2). 

The introduction of low levels of ozone leads to cleaner air to breathe.

Ozone can be used at very low levels for air purification, and at very high levels to perform
High Ozone Shock Treatments that kill viruses, bacteria, mold, and other germs. 

Our ozone machines are much more than "air cleaners",  they are also very powerful professional tools for bacterial sterilization.

Our ozone generators are thousands of times more effective than simple "ionizers",  which do not have the ability to kill substantial amounts of bacteria.

Air-Zone Ozone Generators use a patented form of corona discharge that works much better than UV Ultraviolet bulbs.  Click Here to read where General Electric states that Ultraviolet Light and UV bulbs do not kill mold.


The XT-400, and XT-800 set the standard for the industry with;

Patented Xetin Ozone / Zero Nitrogen Oxides! / Built in Timers!

CLICK HERE to compare our prices and features to 
Alpine / Living Air / Ecoquest Air Purifiers.

XT-400 / XT-800
Great for a bedroom or office
Variable timed ozone output for home air purifying.
High powered ozone to remove stubborn odors.
Cleans the air in a household room up to 50 feet X 50 feet.

Kills MOLD in homes. Removes cigarette smoke!

With prices at less than half of many of our competitors Air-Zone is your best value for
air cleaning & professional odor disinfection available today!

Remember the ONLY way to compare ozone generators or air purifiers
is by the output in milligrams per hour.
Square footage ratings by other manufacturers are meaningless!
It is the total ozone output in milligrams per hour that counts!

The Air-Zone XT-400  packs a punch of 400 mg/hr. The Air-Zone XT-400 has a fully variable ozone control and a patented "burst timer" to set the ozone level as needed, which makes it perfect for ANY sized room.  It is powerful enough to clean the air in a large living room, bedroom, or office, 40 feet by 40 feet or more in a matter of minutes! 

Control of the ozone output 
is the single most important parameter for any ozone generator.

With burst times as short as 2 seconds per minute, and the included wireless remote control, 
the XT-400 perfect for even the smallest of rooms. 
With it's Half Power Switch the XT-800 is even more versatile.

The Air-Zone XT-400 and XT-800 are also powerful enough to perform high ozone shock treatments of unoccupied areas that disinfect household areas of mold, mildew, & viruses!

Most ozone generators sold with these ozone outputs sell for well over $600. 

AIR FILTERS trap particles of dust, but do nothing for controlling odors, removing cigarette smoke, or killing mold and bacteria.

IONIZERS only emit static electricity that cause dust particles to adhere to walls and floors.  Unfortunately ions cannot remove cigarette smoke, or kill mold spores and bacteria, because ions are no more than static electricity!

With an ionizer, walls and floors get coated with a film of grimy dirt. 
Eventually there is MORE bacteria in your home than ever before!

Only OZONE destroys cigarette smoke and kills bacteria, & mold

By the action of rupturing the molecular cell walls of the offending organisms, OZONE destroys the source of the odor.

To learn why IONIZERS, including the ones advertised on the radio and TV, are GIMMICK ITEMS,
Click Here!!!

We can PROVE that ozone kills mold and bacteria with overwhelming evidence.
Please Click Here to view these studies

The Air-Zone XT-400  is more than powerful enough for any household room.
The Air-Zone XT-800 has double the ozone output for more effective disinfection.
It also features a Half Power Switch that lowers it's ozone output for smaller applications.

You don't even have to keep these units running all the time to be effective.
Once they have cleaned the air in a room, the room will stay fresh for hours. 

Ozone works immediately, and within a few minutes of operation you will realize the room has totally fresh and clean smell.  Ozone can be used in any room of the house that has a bad odor, naturally without chemicals or ineffective cover up deodorizers.

If you are having problems sleeping from the air quality in your bedroom you can shock the room during the day with a High Ozone Shock Treatment.  When you return home the room will have a natural fresh clean smell!

We guarantee you will sleep better in an ozone disinfected room.  Our customers claim to sleep better, and awake without congestion in an ozone sanitized room.

Air-Zone Ozone Generators can even be pointed into a return air duct, of your heating / air conditioning system for "whole house" air purification!

Air-Zone Ozone Generators are powerful, yet portable enough to be brought into any room in your home or business that needs treatment.

Air-Zone Ozone Generators can help eliminate the bacterial causes of 
Sick Building Syndrome.

The first time you turn on one of our ozone generators, and smell the fresh clean mountain air coming out it, you'll be totally amazed!

Your room will smell like the fresh clean air after a spring thunderstorm!

If you have allergies or are affected by the indoor pollutants of cigarette smoke or mold, ozone is the only way to purify the air and the surrounding areas.

Ozone helps kill the germs that aggravate asthma and other respiratory illnesses.

Do you have mold odors in your basement?
Do you want to sanitize rooms of bacteria and mold? 

Only a true ozone generator can accomplish these tasks for you

The uses for ozone are endless, anywhere there is an odor, ozone can attack it!

Ozone is also SAFE when used properly.

The most common  question we get asked is 
"What sized ozone generator do I need?"
Customers often tell us...

"Brand X states that their air purifier will cover my entire home of 3000 square feet.
They tell me it will remove ALL the odors, kill ALL the bacteria, kill ALL the mold, and remove ALL the dust from my home."

"I was even told their unit will magically work through walls"!

An intelligent person will quickly realize achieving all those goals is not scientifically possible.

Many types of gimmick item air purifiers and ionizers are being advertised on the radio, and on television infomercials.  These advertisements claim their air purifiers will handle any situation that is presented to them.

These products are being sold by the thousands to the unknowing consumer who are are quickly disappointed that the unit they bought does not do all that was advertised.

So when a customer asks us "What size unit do I need"? 
We must then ask them the question:

"What are you trying to accomplish?"

Make the air smell fresh?
Remove light odors?
Remove strong odors?
Kill a mold odor?
Kill ALL the mold?
Remove Pet odors?
Remove the smoke from one smoker?
Remove the smoke from 100 smokers?
Remove leftover smoke odors?
 In Small Rooms?
In Large rooms?
In Entire Homes?

Do you need a unit for light air purification?
Do you need to remove serious odors or kill mold with high ozone shock treatments?
Do you have dust and need to filter out of the air with a HEPA Filter?

Your needs are specific, your air purifier / ozone generator will be also.

For answers on what size unit you need we advise potential customers to 
view our sizing page, and call us  at 757-538-3711 for a proper sizing recommendation.
Click Here to view our ozone generator sizing page.

Control smoke filled environments!!
Don't drive your customers away with smoke!!!
Nothing drives away customers faster than a smoke filled room!
Our ozone generators destroy smoke better than any other method.
Help your customers breathe better in your bar, nightclub, or restaurant.

Your patrons will stay longer, spend more, 
and return to your establishment if the air is clean!

Control nasty pet odors around the house !

Remove the Dog Smell in your home!
Air-Zone Ozone Generators Help Remove Pet Urine Odors!
The use of High Ozone Shock Treatments helps remove pet odors.
Cat and Dog urine odors can be removed with Air-Zone Ozone Generators

For the most effective odor control, nothing cleans your environment like an
Air-Zone Ozone Generator

All Air-Zone ozone generators feature 
US PATENTED Nitrogen Oxide Free Ozone Elements

Old style ozone "plates" create large amounts of 
Nitrogen Oxides which are offensive, irritating, and dangerous.

Air-Zone's patented ozone elements are in a permanently molded housing, that require NO adjustment whatsoever. 
We use 24 carat gold plating on our elements internal components to help prevent corrosion. 
The use of high temperature, shatter resistant  tempered glass is also incorporated in our innovative ozone element design.

Old style ozone "plates" consist of  flimsy easily corroded steel screens and delicate thin pieces of glass or mica which must ALWAYS be in perfect alignment.
If not cleaned and aligned constantly, old style ozone "plates" will produce less ozone, and possibly even spark out dangerous high voltage electricity.

Air-Zone's patented ozone elements solve all these problems.

Our patented ozone elements can easily be cleaned by simply turning the ozone level up to full power for a few minutes, and burn any dirt off that has accumulated on them.

Old style ozone "plates", first designed in the 1800's,  must be removed, scrubbed clean, dried, and be meticulously reassembled, or they will not work correctly. Even with all that work, their life span is notoriously short.

Air-Zone's patented ozone elements last for years, are easily replaceable in minutes with a screwdriver.
They cost only $15-$20 each to replace.

Old style ozone "plates" typically cost $40.00 each or more.
Note that a competitors 10,000 unit would contain 10 of these $40.00 "plates" equaling $400.00

Our corona discharge elements work much better than UV Ultraviolet bulbs.

Click Here to read where General Electric states that ultraviolet light does not kill mold.

Ozone Elements

U.S. Patented Nitrogen Oxide Free Ozone Elements!

Air-Zone Ozone Generators make O3 Pure Ozone!

Why use outdated 
100+ year old ozone plate
technology when 
has patented
the no adjustment necessary
ozone element?!!

Air- Zone U.S. Patented Ozone Elements are Easy To Replace and Affordable

High Ozone Shock Treatments can even kill Dust Mites!
High Ozone Shock Treatments Kill Dust Mites!
In today's times when everyone is concerned with many types of
infectious bacteria, it is a good idea to sterilize rooms with
High Ozone Shock Treatments.

Killing germs, bacteria, and viruses with ozone may be one of the best ways to protect your family 
from the complex array of diseases we face today.

OZONE can kill any bacteria, mold, or virus known to man.
Texas, Florida, The Northwest, and Great Lakes regions have been suffering from record breaking severe mold outbreaks due to flooding and high humidity.

Deadly fungi has been makes people ill, destroys homes, and devalues property.

Mold is the one of the most prevalent homeowners 
insurance damage claims.

Kill mold and help prevent it from returning

READ about how OZONE helps destroy MOLD
Air-Zone Ozone Generators Make Pure Ozone with Zero Nitrogen Oxides!

It is a proven fact that ozone KILLS mold.
Click Here for scientific proof.

MOLD can cause permanent lung damage or even KILL you!!!
Think you may have mold?
Professional Mold Test Kits
are the only way to know for sure.
Professional Mold Test Kits determine the presence of mold.
Click Here
to read 
 more about 
Mold Test Kits
Ultraviolet Inspection Lamps discover the location of mold.
Inspection Lamps
discover the location of mold.
Click Here
to read more


Super Heavy Duty Professional Models
Patented Xetin Ozone
Produces Zero Nitrogen Oxides
21st Century High Tech Design
Variable ozone output control
 Removes stubborn odors!

Highest ozone output for the dollar anywhere!
XT-2000 / XT-4000 / XT-6000

Kill Mold and Remove Stubborn Odors with our Air-Zone High Powered Ozone Machines
CLICK HERE to find out more

Air-Zone XT-24000
Professional High Powered Ozone Generator
Patented Xetin II Ozone
Produces Zero Nitrogen Oxides
21st Century High Tech Design
Features astounding ozone outputs of
8000, 16000, or 24000 mg/hr!

Extra Thick Rust & Oxidation Proof 
Stainless Steel Case & Chassis

to learn more about the amazing XT-24000!

Extremely High Ozone Output!  Perfect For Professional Applications!  Zero Nitrogen Oxides!
 Air-Zone carries an advanced line of quality
Austin Air

For those situations where dust, pollen, mold spores,
and pet dander need to be filtered out of the air.

CLICK HERE to see our professional line of Austin Air True HEPA Filters.
These are the best HEPA air filters made!Removes Pollen, Dust, and Pet Dander!5 year main HEPA Filter Warranty - The BEST in the Business!

We carry a full line of home & professional OZONE GENERATORS
Click Here to see our entire line
XT-120,  XT-240 - Perfect for a bedroom or office!XT-400,  XT-800 - Great for a bedroom, living room or officeXT-2000,  XT-4000,  XT-6000 Professional Ozone GeneratorsAir-Zone XT-24000

Air-Zone Ozone Generators are proudly located in the U.S.A.!!!
Air-Zone Inc.
103 Nansemond Pointe Drive
Suffolk, VA  23435


Call to reach our staff of qualified ozone technicians.

We have added new phone lines to better serve our customers.
If we are all on the phone our machine will pick up your call.
Please leave a message and we will return your call as soon as possible.

Thinking of buying a different brand of air purifier / ozone generator?
CLICK HERE to see our ozone generator brand comparison page.


What is Ozone?
Uses For Ozone
How to use Ozone
Kill Mold With Ozone
Motel Room Odor Removal
Remove Cat and 
Dog Urine odors
Auto Restorations
Questions about Ozone
Brand Comparisons
Smoke Elimination
High Ozone Shock Treatments
Why Ionization
Doesn't Work
 Austin Air True
HEPA Filters
Ozone Bacterial and Mold Killing Studies
How to Purify Air with Ozone
Return Policy
United States Warranty
What Size Machine
Do I Need?
Help kill bacteria caused by Sick Building Syndrome
Why to make sure you buy your ozone generator ONLY
from a United States based company

Email us at
All text, terms, and images on this web site are copyrighted and trademarked including the term Air-Zone™
No part of this web site may be reproduced without specific permission from Air-Zone Inc.
All rights reserved © Air-Zone Inc.2003