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The Kids
Spencer Sawyer Savannah Skylar
This is a page of short stories of my children. I hope they provide some entertainment.

Just a little bit about each child . .


My oldest, Spencer, 5, is brillant. . whose child is not?? ( can you tell I am a proud parent??) I am proud of him everyday . .as he continues to amaze me. He has submitted his first article to the Academy of Natural Sciences to be published . .we hope . .on dinosaurs. He is very gifted in detail and has a wonderful hold on remembering things. He is the one who gives us the most incredible kid stories.

Recently we had a parent teacher conference for Spencer. During the conference the teacher had to tell us little stories of Spence. One went like this.. the other day I had noticed a little bit of hair on Spencers sweater . so I asked him, "Spence . .did mommy cut your hair this morning?" His response was no.. so she asked "Spence did someone in here cut your hair today?" Again no . .so she went on .. angry a little this time "Spence did you cut your hair?" Spence matter-of-factly said . .why yes I did . .She said. . why Spence would you cut your hair . he said . ."Because I wanted to look handsome for you." Spence also just received student of the month award from the Kiwainis club . He is doing really well in school . .I pray it continues through his high school and into college. .LOL one year down .hmm . .many more to go

8-15-98 A few weeks ago while Shy Guy was visiting, Spence drew a picture for us - he brought it to the table. When we asked him what it was he said it was Pangea - now I do not even know if I am spelling it correctly - but he then went in to lecture 3 adults on what Pangea was.

6/11/98 Spencer was tested for kindergarten today . .what a big day for him .. he is only 4 so we were not sure he would even be accepted . .well . .they asked him to read a few words for them during the testing . which he did . .and then he asked him if they wanted him to read a book . .LOL He asked if they had Cat in The Hat so he could read it to them . He also wanted to show them how he could color and cut and asked them for scissors and paper . .LOL_ He is already dictating his own life at 4 *S*

You know there is trouble ahead when your two year old asks you to explain the Big Bang Theory. I had to think hard for a few minutes before even recalling that there was such a thing. Then, how do you explain it to a 2 year old. But I figured if he could ask such a question, he could understand an adult answer.

Another recent venture we had with him - we were headed to NY and drove past a land fill. My husband explained that it was methane gas that we were smelling. My son non-chalantly explained that it was actually molecules that we were smelling. He does not have any confidence problems in correcting adults. *L* - Even his Daddy.

His vocabulary is amazing as well . . . at 3, my husband was reading a book with him . .and he opened the book and let the pages fall to the sides . My husband said, "Hey, buddy, that looks like an acordian." The baby said so matter of factly, "No, Daddy, it looks more like a concertina." I had to look the word up in the dictionary.

When he was 3, he was very into ( and still is ) the Land Before Time. So, needless to say - we all were named after the characters. In church one Sunday, a man asked him what his name was. He replied "sharptooth". Without blinking, the man reached out his hand to shake it and said, "Nice to meet you Sharptooth. Your parents must be very imaginative." The whole family, for quite sometime, had nicknames from that movie. I was blessed with Littlefoot.
4/13/98 Last week . .after nap . I had noticed that Spence had taken nearly a whole roll of toilet paper and unrolled it .leaving a huge pile of paper on the floor. I started screaming, " How dare you make this mess .. what were you thinking.. . if you cannot explain this mess . you will go without a treat today" His response was . ." Mommy, on the tv commercial they find a hidden message in the middle of the roll .. I was just looking for my message."

This past week while walking out of the gym . .Spencer picked up a dandelion that had gone to seed . .he thought and blew the seeds away . and said to me . Mommy .do you know what I wished for . .I wished that Sawyer would be my friend for life


My second child - Sawyer, who is now 4 - is just as much a joy to me as the first . .but is very discriminating in who he lets in to his world. So those who he does let get to know him love him with full force. He is an incredibly smart child as well but does not like to show it off. He is the one who will sing an Opera for you at home and then when you go to Grandma's he will not say but one word - HOME. His most recent story is a typical male story . . thinking all women have to be a man to be anybody. *LOL* . . Our kids want for nothing . .they are well taken care of . .and here it truly shows.. In learning that men and woman are different . he asked mommy if she had a penis. I just replied "no" and he then assured me not to worry, that we could buy me one.

1/13/98 Tonight Sawyer jumped off of the bed, and cried a bit and said, "Daddy - my feelings got hurt" Little does he know that feelings are not a body part yet.
10/06/99 Sawyer is really coming into his own now - it used to be like pulling teeth to get him to sit with me to do anything studious - now . .he is the one who asks for it everyday. I am so happy because I thought for 4 years that his shyness would require extra cajoling to get him interested in school. I keep my fingers crossed.
He is the most compassionate of the three. He kisses my belly as well as me every night before he goes to bed. He is very anxious for the new baby.
He has an amazing gift and love for animals and bugs and insects. For his 4th birthday he got a ball python. He takes such good care of her and cannot wait for his next exotic pet. (although savannah thinks she wants a horse *L*)
Sawyers other gift is in atheletics. He somehow has this ability to just know how to throw and hit and kick - rather than having to be taught. He loves to climb. .and loves to stand on his head . .he brings me joy every day . ..(when he is not fighting with savannah over who can hit each other harder)


Savannah is the oldest girl and has just turned 3. She has an incredible personality which requires a lot of energy on any adults part. She is non stop.
At one she was just getting teeth and still had no hair . .so she was often called a boy - even with a pink dress on. I was thrilled to have a baby girl . .thinking of frills and lace . .but she is more of a daredevil than the boys. She will climb the canopy bed pole right after them and opts for dinosaurs and truck to dolls. She is realizing the power of whining already . .and hits me if I kiss her daddy . .HER daddy.

(at one) The newest thing that she does is babble - a lot. There are some words she knows, but other parts of her babble just sound like words we use. Just to preface this story, my husband and I do not curse. ( the oldest corrects me even if I say freakin ) but the baby, for some reason, her babble comes out with curses. They are apparent, and I can see the stares. Such a mouth on such a little one. How proud a mother I am. Hubby tells me to tell others that the reason she says the S word is because she is a slow learner with the F word.
8-15-98 Savannah is really talking in full sentences now - knows to ask for two cookies instead of one - and loves to sit on the toilet to flush it - she has a smile to light up the world and is the most fearless child I have ever met - she does have to keep up with her older brothers afterall

She is just starting to talk a bit . .sings Gulla Gulla during the show Gulla Gulla Island .loves to show off . .sings the EIEIO part of Old McDonald . and Wooly Booly as well as tries to dance . . on Easter Sunday . .she had this huge hat . .that I tried her in the night before so she would be used to it . .on Sunday she would not let go of her hat ..thinking it would blow off . . .she was too funny . .
10/06/99: Savannah is this amazing ball of energy . .she knows just what buttons to push to instigate the boys . .and knows how to pout and whine to them when she wants something . . how to even describe savannah?? She is one of the most conversational 3 year olds I have ever met. Her vocabulary is fantastic . .as well as her atheletic ability. She is a combination of the boys rolled into this fantastic little package. She is learning how to read through first sound phonics and can count to at least 100 - (with a little help when we get to the 10 numbers) Her memory is something that baffles me always - spelling, names, places, dates . . She prefers being handsome to pretty (seeing she is so familiar with the boys) and even though she will tell you she wants to be a boy, she likes nail polish and dresses as well. In fact, when she wakes up from sleep, you never know what you might find her in . . a dress, coat , hat and feather boa with good dress shoes is not uncommon.
11/19/99 An email from my neighbor recently. (She just had a baby and Savannah used to run out everytime she saw them to see the baby)
i forgot to mention this to you this morning when i saw you - but one day this week when i was out walking Mason - i saw Savannah in the driveway with Sawyer - you know how she always would run to me yelling "let me see the baby" - well i didn't think she saw me so i yelled to her "do you want to see the baby?" - she turned around and patted her chest while yelling " i have my own baby!" - i just smiled and kept walking - she is too too cute....connie

And last- but not least - is Skylar. She was just born October 20, 1999. She is absolutely incredible - and as soon as I get some pictures scanned in I will put them up. She is dark - dark skin and dark hair and deep eyes. Stunning. But then again, I am her mom. The smell of a new baby will never cease to amaze me ..and is what I miss dearly when they grow so quickly.

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