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This page is going to be mostly pictures of tournaments, fights or whatever i decide to put on in here.

The pictures below are of my first grappling tournament at the Rising Sun Martial Arts school on 10/24/97

I'm the one in the white shirt and the green shorts. The first picture is of me mounted on my opponent just about 40-50 seconds into the fight, the second one is of me against the same opponent working for position just before the fight went to the ground. I wound up winning this fight by armbar. The last picture if of me and my second opponent pummeling for control like a second before he got a favorable position and took me down into a kneebar. He won.

The pictures below are from the last tournament i competed in. The tournament was held by Fabio Clemente in Manhattan. Unfortunately, i lost my first (and only) match by points so i have only one picture..(well the real reason i have only one picture is because the film used sucked and only one picture came out well.....) The first pic is of me in my opponents guard and the second is of me and Fabio Clemente.

The Pictures below are from the Rolker Gracie workshop at the then East Coast Brazilian jujutsu club.

What the club looked like when Rolker was there (PACKED!!!) The two standing with Gis on are Rolker Gracie and Lou Vintaloro, our instructor

Me and Rolker

Performance Brazilian Jujutsu Club legends, "The Legendary" Mike Murray, and Tyrone, my two personal rivals >:(

These two pics are from my trip to Puerto Rico over this past summer '99 Jumping off that cliff was fun

These images are from my last jiu jitsu tournament on December 12 1999. I took second place in my weight division.

This is me working out of a guillotine choke during my first match.

these three pictures are of me trying to work the guard during my final match.

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