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Slick's Page

All about me!

Ok, so here's the basics...
Name: CJ
Age: 24
How much I work on this site: Very little
High School: Washington Township
College: Rutgers University
Last time I updated this thing: December 28th 2006 (2 years since the last time)
How long it will take me to completely finish this website: About as long as highway construction
What I want to be when I grow up: Sane
Why I'm updating this web page: Boredom
Biggest crush: That oreo(TM) that I stepped on
Random fact: You can use statistics to prove anything, 75% of people know that.
What happened to the guestbook: I deleted it, so just click my name to e-mail me instead, I'll still get the same amount of!

A Kouple Kool Kwotes...KKK...uh oh

"I could wish in one hand and shit in the other, and I think you know which one will get full quicker."

"The Shadows shall rule the world"
~Shadow Overlord

"I don't care, it's not my job to care, it's my job to do what you say, that's what you hired us for"

"If I cared about everything everyone said about me, I'd be a nervous wreck"
~A Friend

A random selection of odd words...

Psuedology (n., most often used facetiously) lying elevated to an art form.
Senary (adj.) Of, or pertaining to the number six.
Callipygian (adj.) Having beautifully proportioned buttocks.
Rheobase (n.) the minimum electric current required to excite a given nerve or muscle.
Beanfeast (n.) an annual party thrown by employers for employees. (why don't I ever get one of these?)
Elenchus (n. ) a logical refutation of an argument

Slick's Sausage Links - This place was great when I was in college, but I hardly use it now. It's only good if you actually live near a college apparently. Just another way of taking away the human element from everyday life, and who can't enjoy that!?

Kelly's Page - I've known Kelly since 10th grade. She's a really good friend, although I haven't talked to her in a while. Oh, and Chocolate Milk Cows don't exist.

Brought to you by a grant from Siege Pharmaceuticals Copyright 2006