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Wynd's Wicca World

Silver Pendant


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ChaliceMaery Meet, and welcome to Wynd'§ Wicca World.
Within these pages You will find much information helping to understand the path that in life I have chosen. I ask not to be condemed for My choice, but that you truly give My views a fair glance as I would give to any that you wish to present. I dedicate these pages to Herbal Poet, Mah brother, friend and confidiant that helped Me on the path (even when I drove him insane) as well as and DC100 and Draegon Wolf who made images and banners.

I am not perfect, nor will I ever claim to be. I am just me, a tiny little voice in a large world at times that has no wish or ability to understand. So please if you have an open mind, enter my world and learn, otherwise please feel free to go elsewhere.

Copyright 2006
Template Designed by Quickness. Content added by Calix & Wynd
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