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Storm Season is a series of adventures designed to introduce the League of the Pantheon to the PCs and involve them in intrigues in several cities of the region.

Early Winds

The adventure begins when the PCs stop in Hudid, the City of ... Whether they are stranded by one of the many storms during the summer months or stop for trade, the PCs find themselves in the Pantheon, albeit one of the friendlier cities of that region.

Threatening Skies

After exploring some of the city, they stumble upon intrigues involving the dark city of Mahabba to the east. Traveling to Mahabba to resolve matters, they catch the eye of agents of evil vizier...

The Eye of the Storm

Disguised as pilgrims after drawing the attention of Vizier of Mahabba and the forces of the ..., the PCs chart a course to the least likely place anyone would look, I'tiraf - heart of the Pantheon itself...


The PCs continue their race from agents of the Sword of the True Gods and the Pantheon by fleeing to Fahhas...

Safe Harbor

Hilm, the name itself lends calm to weary travelers. And the PCs, weary of the pursuit of the Sword's agents finally reach the relative safety of the City of ...

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